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TitleLogistična podpora 18. BJRKBO : zaključna naloga
Osnovni podatki o gradivu
Authors:Kump, Miro (Author)
Korelc, Boštjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Language:SlovenianWork type:Specialist thesisOrganization:ŠČ - Officer Candidate SchoolKeywords:učinkovite logistike, oskrba, premiki in transport, vzdrževanje, zdravstvena oskrbaUDC:355.41:623.458(043.4)COBISS_ID:4681422Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 9389 ogledov; 117 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf SPEC_Kump_Miro_i2012.pdf (4,70 MB)
Abstract:Zaradi številne raznovrstne oborožitve, opreme in drugih materialnih sredstev,vzdrževanja, infrastrukture, energetskih virov ter osebja je vojaška logistika pomemben dejavnik v miru, kriznih razmerah in vojni. Na vseh funkcionalnih področjih logistike se tako pred osebje, odgovorno za logistiko,in tudi pred poveljnike na vseh ravneh, postavljajo številne naloge,za katere morajo biti dobro usposobljeni ter motivirani. Brez učinkovite logistike si ni mogoče zamisliti uspešno izvedene naloge doma in misiji v tujini ne glede na stopnjo njene intenzivnosti. Logistična zagotovitev mora biti ob pravem času na pravem mestu. Izvaja se v šestih, medsebojno povezljivih in soodvisnih funkcionalnih področjih: oskrbovanje premiki in transport, vzdrževanje, zdravstvena oskrba, vojaška infrastruktura in finančna zagotovitev.
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:EnglishAbstract:To support the national military strategy, logistics must be responsive in andcapable of meeting military personnel, equipment, armament, mobility, maintenance, medical readiness, infrastructure, and sustainment requirements across the full range of military operations. Military logistics must always be capable of supporting the mission in peacetime, crisis or in war; in full spectrum of operations as offensive, defensive, stability and support operations. The logisticians are important force of the operation in all functional areas. They need to be well qualified and motivated. The purpose of logistic support is to generate and sustain combat power and expend the commander's operational reach. Effective logistics enhances the ability for efficient accomplished tasks in homeland and in theater of operation, regardless to the intensity of the mission. Logistic support must be in the right place at the right time. Logistic support consists of six interrelated functions: supply, transportation, maintenance, health service, military infrastructure, and finance service.Keywords:effective logistics, supply, movement and transportation, maintenance, health service support