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Title:Primerjava stilov vodenja in poveljevanja divizijskega generala Leona Rupnika in generallajtnanta Franca Rozmana Staneta : diplomsko delo višješolskega študijskega programa
Authors:Likar, Sergej (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Bernik, Valerija (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:High school thesis
Organization:MORS - MORS publications
Abstract:V diplomskem delu opisujem in primerjam dva slovenska generala, njuno življenje in delo. Čeprav sta bila vojaško aktivna v različnih obdobjih, ju jezgodovina izpostavila za ključni osebi v času 2. svetovne vojne, ko je divizijski general Leon Rupnik že zaključeval svojo uspešno kariero, medtem koje bila kariera generallajtnanta Franca Rozmana Staneta v vzponu. Znano nam je, da sta oba s svojimi dejanji in odločitvami močno vplivala in usodno zaznamovala slovensko zgodovino in zgodovino slovenskega naroda, kar se odražaše danes. Za lažje potrjevanje trditev so v prvem delu opisane značilnosti vojaškega voditeljstva in ključni pomen dejavnikov, ki pripomorejo k uspešnosti poveljevanja vodij tako v izrednih razmerah kot v vojni. V nadaljevanju sta, na podlagi pisne literature za čim realnejšo in nepristransko analizo njunega razmišljanja, odločanja in delovanja, predstavljeni njuni življenji od otroštva dalje. V osrednjem delu so tako zajeti tudi njuni največji uspehi med samima vojnama, v bitkah, v katerih sta aktivno sodelovala in pokazala osebnostne, voditeljske ter poveljniške lastnosti. V zaključku je podana primerjava njunih stilov vodenja, ki potrjuje njuno podobnost in le zanemarljivo raznolikost v zavzemanju in izražanju enakih načel, dejavnikov in zakonitosti.
Keywords:voditeljske lastnosti, osebni zgled, zunanji dejavniki, vojaško voditeljstvo
Year of publishing:2013
Publisher:[S. Likar]
COBISS_ID:4706766 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf Diplomsko_delo_Sergej_Likar_22MAR13.pdf (1,17 MB)
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Secondary language

Abstract:The aim of my final paper work on Vocational College Of Traffic And Transport in Maribor is description of generals Leon Rupnik and Franc Rozman Stane and comparison of their life and work. They were key military individuals on Slovenian territory during the second world war, in spite of, that Rupnik`s military career was at an end while Rozman`s was still going up. Both of them affected significantly to Slovenian history and Slovenian nation. They took actions and decisions which consequences are present still nowadays. With the aim to confirm the statements which I set, I described military leadership characteristics and meaning of key factors necessary contributing to commander`s successfulness in war. I analysed Rupnik`s and Rozman`s careers toget realistic and impartial picture of theirs consideration, decision makingand work. I also summarized their biggest successes in battles they led and shew their character, temperament and personal, leadership and commandant qualities. In conclusion I described and compared leadership styles of both generals. My final evaluation is that Rupnik and Rozman, although they were during the war on opposite sides, possessed more common than diversal characteristic.
Keywords:leadership characteristic, individual example, external factor, military leadership


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