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TitleRazvoj artilerijskega orožja skozi zgodovino : diplomsko delo višješolskega študijskega programa
Osnovni podatki o gradivu
Authors:Bernik, Valerija (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Erjavec, Goran (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Language:SlovenianWork type:High school thesisOrganization:MORS - MORS publicationsKeywords:artilerija, bojno delovanje, bojna moč, artilerijski ogenj, topoviUDC:358.1(091)(043.2)COBISS_ID:4707534Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 10198 ogledov; 827 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Abstract:Diplomska naloga predstavlja razvoj artilerijskega orožja skozi zgodovino. Na razvoj orožja je vplivala želja po osvajanju, oborožitvena tekma ter vpliv industrijske revolucije in tehnologije. Pred industrijsko revolucijo so artilerijska orožja bila velika in težka, po industrijski revoluciji pa pride do razvoja in uporabe novih materialov in strmega vzpona v razvoju orožja. Orožje je pustilo zelo velik pečat v zgodovini vojaškega bojevanja. Artilerijska sredstva so postala osnovna ognjena moč vseh bojnih delovanj.
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:EnglishTitle:Development of artillery weapons in historyAbstract:The thesis presents the development of artillery weapons throughout the history. The development of weapons was influenced by desire for conquest, arms race and the impact of the Industrial revolution and technology. Before the industrial revolution artillery was big and heavy but there was a rapid development of new materials and the steep rise in the development of weapons after the industrial revolution. Weapons left a significant influence in the history of military warfare. Aartillery assets have become basic fire power of combat operations.Keywords:artillery, combat operation, battle power, artillery fire, cannon