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TitleSpremenjene funkcije oboroženih sil srednjeevropskih držav po hladni vojni : zaključna naloga
Osnovni podatki o gradivu
Authors:Cebek, Igor (Author)
Vegič, Vinko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Language:SlovenianWork type:Specialist thesisOrganization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff SchoolKeywords:funkcije oboroženih sil, Srednja Evropa, postmoderne oborožene sile, transformacija oboroženih sil, kompleksne grožnje, mednarodne operacije in misijeUDC:355.02(4-191.2)(043.4)COBISS_ID:4709582Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 10800 ogledov; 135 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf SPEC_Cebek_Igor_i2011.pdf (1,11 MB)
Abstract:Spremenjenje funkcije oboroženih sil (OS) srednjeevropskih držav po hladni vojni so predmet proučevanja pričujočega dela, ki je najprej zahtevalo, kar seda jasno definiranje pojma "srednje evropsko" oziroma Srednje Evrope in njenih gospodarskih, kulturnih in nenazadnje varnostno-političnih značilnosti. Po koncu hladne vojne se v Evropi in svetu dogajajo pomembne spremembe na področju varnosti in še posebej percepciji nevarnosti - zaznavanje novih, kompleksnih in nadnacionalnih ali globalnih groženj, na katere pa se ne da odgovarjati z OS Clausewitzevega tipa. Zato so se tudi srednjeevropske države odločile za transformacijo svojih OS. Tako imajo danes že vse srednjeevropske države članice Nata t.i. ''poklicne OS'', ki so male, dobro usposobljene, visoko mobilne in sodobno opremljene. Prav vse srednjeevropske države tudi Avstrija in Švica, ki nista članici zveze Nato oziroma sta nevtralni, so spremenile funkcije svojim OS in jih tako namenile, bolj kot za izvajanje vojaške obrambe nacionalne države, za zagotavljanje mednarodne miru in varnosti.
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:EnglishAbstract:The subject of analysis is a changed function of Armed forces of Middle Europestates after the cold war. The beginning required a definition what exactly does a term "Middle Europe", their economic, cultural, security and political character mean. After the cold war, tremendous changes in Europe andaround the world were happening as far as security matters an especially a perception of modern, complex and global threats were concerned, and Clausewitz type Armed forces were not an answer to those threats. That was thereason the Middle European states decided to form their own Armed forces. All Middle European states which are NATO members thus have their own professional armed forces, which are small, well trained, highly mobile and well equipped. All Middle European states, as well as Switzerland and Austria,which are not NATO members, changed functions of their Armed forces and gave them a new function - from national defence to providing international peace and security.Keywords:functions of armed forces, Middle Europe, postmodern military, transformation of armed forces, modern and complexity threats, international peace support missions