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Title:Logistična oskrba Jugoslovanske ljudske armade med slovensko osamosvojitveno vojno : diplomsko delo višješolskega študijskega programa
Authors:Škedelj, Marjan (Author)
Bernik, Valerija (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:High school thesis
Organization:MORS - MORS publications
Abstract:Slovenska skupščina je 25. 6. 1991 razglasila samostojno Republiko Slovenijo (v nadaljevanju RS). RS je pričela z izvajanjem pristojnosti na letališčih in mejnih prehodih. Jugoslovanska ljudska armada (v nadaljevanju JLA) je dobila nalogo, da ohrani integriteto jugoslovanske države. Vojaški vrh je svojim enotam izdal ukaz za prevzem vseh mejnih prehodov v RS in zavarovanje državnih meja. Nalogo je bilo potrebno izvesti brezpogojno, po potrebi tudi z izvedbo postopkov za bojno uporabo enot. JLA se je med izvajanjem agresije nad RS srečevala s težavami, ki so se v veliki meri nanašale na logistično zagotovitev in oskrbo. Načrt za izvedbo bojnega delovanja ni predvideval oskrbovanja. Premike enot JLA na ozemlju RS so nepričakovano otežile barikade na cestah ter oborožen upor slovenske strani. Vojaški objekti in vojašnice JLA so bile blokirane in onemogočene. Načrtovani čas izvedbe in uspeh agresije se ni izšel. Enote JLA so obstale na točkah brez ustrezne logistične podpore, kar se je hitro odražalo na bojni pripravljenosti in morali pripadnikov. Slovenska stran je blokiranim enotam JLA glede na okoliščine in dogovore omogočala osnovno oskrbo in nastalo situacijo s pridom izkoristila za svoj uspeh.
Keywords:Jugoslovanska ljudska armada, logistična oskrba, osamosvojitvena vojna
Year of publishing:2012
Publisher:[M. Škedelj]
COBISS_ID:4706510 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf VIS_Skedelj_Marjan_i2012.pdf (1,46 MB)
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Secondary language

Title:Logistics supply of Yugoslav national army between Slovenian war for independence
Abstract:Slovenian assembly declared independece of Republic Slovenia (hereinafter referred to as RS) on June 25 1991. RS began executing the powers at airports and border crossings. Yugoslav national army (hereinafter referred to as YNA) has been given the task to maintain the integrity of the Yugoslav country. Military command ordered military troops to take over all border crossings and safeguard them. It was necessary to execute orders unconditionally. Usage of procedure for war application of troops was allowed if necessary. During the agression against the Republic of Slovenia, YNA faced problems which were mostly related to logistics guarantee and supply care. Plan for the execution of combat operations did not predict supply. Movements of army units in the territory of the RS were unexpectedly worsed by road blocks and armed resistance from Slovenian side. Military facillities and army barracks were blocked and disabled. Scheduled execution time and success of aggression did not turn out well. YNA units were standing at points without any suitable logistic support, which has quickly reflected in the combat readiness and moral of the military. The Slovenian side provided blocked YNA units related to conditions and agreements with basic supplies and took advantage of the given situation.
Keywords:Yugoslav national army, supplying, war for independence


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