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Title:Naloge in postopki članov posadke tanka M-84 : zaključna naloga
Authors:Starič, Jernej (Author)
Ravnik, Darko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Specialist thesis
Organization:ŠČ - Officer Candidate School
Abstract:Zaključna naloga obsega naloge in postopke posadke tanka M-84. Zajeti so osnovni postopki ter naloge posadke, katera je sestavljena iz poveljnika tanka, namerilca in voznika. Gre za prevod in prilagoditev prvega poglavja knjige PRAVILO tenk M-84 i T-72; drugi deo. Vse naloge in postopki članov posadke so predstavljeni postopno in temeljito ter se zahtevnostno stopnjujejoin nadgrajujejo. V prvem delu so opisane splošne naloge in dolžnosti članov posadke, nato naloge in postopki poveljnika tanka, namerilca in nazadnje še voznika. Za izdelavo sem se odločil, ker v slovenskem jeziku ni napisane literature s katero bi lahko slovenska vojska izvajala izobraževanje in usposabljanje. Vsebina zaključne naloge je namenjena vsem bodočim in obstoječim pripadnikom oklepnih enot, kateri se prvič srečajo s tankom M-84 ali kateri hočejo dopolniti oziroma osvežiti svoje znanje.
Keywords:poveljnik tanka, namerilec, voznik
Year of publishing:2011
Publisher:[J. Starič]
COBISS_ID:4686798 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Staric_Jernej_i2011.pdf (605,48 KB)
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Secondary language

Abstract:This paper contains tasks and procedures for a tank M-84 garrison. It describes basic tasks and procedures of garrison, that is made of tank commander, gunner and driver. The paper is actually translation and adaptationof a first part of a book PRAVILO tenk M-84 i T-72 drugi deo. All ofthe tasks and procedures are presented thorough and gradual. The first part contains description of common tasks and duties of tanks garrison, than tasks and procedures of tank commander, gunner and finally driver. I chose to write this paper, because there is no literature in Slovenian language that could beused to train and educate members of Slovenian army. This paper is meant forall future and existing subjects of armor units, that have a firs encounterwith M-84 tank, or for those who want to refresh their knowledge.
Keywords:tank commander, gunner, driver


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