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Title:Osnove taktike s poslanstvom : zaključna naloga
Authors:Plohl, Andrej (Author)
Preložnik, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Specialist thesis
Organization:ŠČ - Officer Candidate School
Abstract:Taktika na podlagi splošnih zakonitosti in načel oboroženega boja proučuje temeljne značilnosti bojnih delovanj skupin ter taktičnih in združenih taktičnih enot. Pri tem mora upoštevati enotnost in povezanost znanosti in umetnosti taktike. Znanost odpira pot praksi, posplošuje dosežke materialne inmiselne ustvarjalnosti ter jih povezuje z možnimi rešitvami in je v nenehnemiskanju novih in boljših rešitev. Umetnost potrjuje dogajanja ali zavrača pomujene rešitve. Napačni zaključki v taktiki kot znanosti so v boju zelo dragi, saj se plačujejo z življenji. Zaradi znanstvene povezanosti znanosti in umetnosti ima taktika značilnosti znanstvene vede oziroma veščine. Poveljevanje determinira vodenje na način, da poveljnik prenese odločitev v izvedbo. To naredi preko povezanosti sil, ki jih ima na razpolago in preko bojnih funkcij v času, prostoru in namenu; s ciljem doseganja poslanstva. Poveljevanje je odraz strokovne presoje, ki jo izoblikujejo izkušnje, znanje, šolanje, inteligenca in intuicija poveljnika.
Keywords:taktika, poslanstvo, bojno poveljevanje, bojno delovanje popolnega spektra, poveljnik
Year of publishing:2011
Publisher:[A. Plohl]
COBISS_ID:4686542 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Plohl_Andrej_i2011.pdf (714,98 KB)
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Abstract:Tactics on the basis of general rules and principles of the armed struggle examines the fundamental characteristics of combat operations and tactical groups and combined tactical units. It must take account of the unity and integration of science and art of tactics. Science opens the way to practice, generalises the material achievements and creativity of thought and link them with possible solutions and is in constant search for new and better solutions. Arts events confirms or rejects pomujene solutions. Erroneous conclusions in science are such tactics in fighting a very costly because they are paid with their lives. Because science links science and art of the characteristics of a scientific discipline tactics and skills. Battle command applies leadership to translate decisions into actions, by synchronizing forces and warfighting funnctions in time, space an purpose, to accomplish missions. Command is guided by professional judgment gained from experience, knowledge, education, intelligence and intuition. It is driven by commanders.
Keywords:tactics, mission, battle command, full spectrum operations, commander


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