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Title:Artilerijska baterija v boju : zaključna naloga
Authors:Slak, Matjaž (Author)
Ličen, Martin (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Specialist thesis
Organization:ŠČ - Officer Candidate School
Abstract:Artilerijska baterija je del ognjene podpore, ki je sestavni del oboroženega boja, ki temelji na organiziranem in usmerjenem delovanju vseh sil in sredstevSlovenske vojske ter predstavlja ogromen pomen za izvajanje bojnih nalog maneverskim enotam. Problematika, ki se pojavalja v artilerijski bateriji, je, da ni še popoljenja z moštvom, prav tako še nima dodelanega sistema usposabljanja, standardnih operativnih postopkov ter izkušenj iz delovanja kot pehotna enota. Po nekaterih starejših formacijah je imela artilerijska enota v svoji sestavi že enoto za zavarovanje in ni bilo potrebe,da ognjeni del baterije razmišlja ali se usposablja za pehotno delovanje. Enota premore ogromno artilerijskega znanja, ne pa veliko pehotnega, ki ji omogoča preživetje na bojišču v primeru, da naleti na izvidniške ali diverzantske elemente v globini prijateljskih linij. S to nalogo se bo naredil korak, da se ta pomankljivost učinkovito odpravi.
Keywords:pričakovalni rajon, ognjeni položaj, izvidovanje, zaščita ognjenega delovanja, usposabljane, SOP
Year of publishing:2011
Publisher:[M. Slak]
COBISS_ID:4683726 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Slak_Matjaz_i2011.pdf (817,49 KB)
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Abstract:Artillery batterie is a part of fire support which is a part of organized collective joint opertional doctrine of Slovenian Army. It is critiacl for operational tempo of manuever units. The problems in artillery batterie is that it has not been fully staffed, does not have a fully developed operational cicle system, standard operational procedures and experiance in combating as an infantry unit. In early days of artillery in Slovenian Army, artillery unit had its own protection units and there was no need to bother them selfs with infantry tactics. Artillery batterie has a lot of artillery knowledge but lacks the skills to survive on their own on a battlefield if it encounters recconisance or specila units working deep inside our friendly lines. In this paper I will make a first step to remedy this deficit.
Keywords:preperation position, fire line, recconisance, protection of fire support, training, SOP


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