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Title:Perspektivnost razvoja IMINT zmogljivosti v SV s poudarkom na zajemanju slikovnega materiala z BPL : zaključna naloga
Authors:Pečar, Tom (Author)
Erjavec, Mladen (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Specialist thesis
Organization:ŠČ - Officer Candidate School
Abstract:Uporaba brezpilotnih letal (BPL) v sodobnih vojskah je zelo razširjena. V uporabi BPL prednjačita predvsem Izrael in ZDA. Njihova doktrina uporabe je izredno napredna, tako, da BPL uporabljajo za izvajanje izvidovanja, nadzora, obveščanja, sledenja in določanja tarč (SIGINT), kot tudi vseh vrst bojnih nalog. Na tržišču je cela paleta brezpilotnih sistemov (BPS), ki so uporabni za izvrševanje različnih nalog. Glede na velikost enot SV in doktrino uporabe v sistemu NATO, so za nas zanimivi predvsem brezpilotni sistemi (BPS), ki so uporabni na mini (10 - 15 km) in bližnjih razdaljah (30 -70 km). Primarna naloga BPL bi bila zagotavljanje zaščite sil. Poleg teh nalog, bi BPL izvajalanaloge izvidovanja, nadzora ozemlja in gibanja. BPS bi lahko namenili tudi za civilne namene, kjer bi bili uporabni za zaščito in reševanje, pomoč pri iskanju oseb... V operativno uporabo SV bi v prvi fazi uvedli BPL mini, s katerimi bi izvajali predvsem IMINT podporo bataljonski bojni skupini in enotam na OKO. Za te naloge bi morali BPL opremiti z dnevnimi elektooptičnimi napravami visoke resolucije, kot tudi sodobnimi mikrobolometerskimi infra rdečimi kamerami, ki bi omogočale pridobivanje IMINT slikovnega materiala v različnih vremenskih pogojih in pogojih zmanjšane (nočne) vidljivosti. SV v uvajanju BPL zaostaja glede na načrtovano izgradnjo ciljev sil, zato je zelo pomembno, da te sisteme, glede na vse večjo potrebo po pravočasni informaciji o stanju na sodobnem asimetričnem bojišču, čim prej uvedemo v operativno uporabo.
Keywords:brezpilotna letala, brezpilotni sistemi, izvidovanje, nadzor, določanje tarč, obveščanje, EO/IE kamere, letalnik
Year of publishing:2012
Publisher:[T. Pečar]
Source:Novo mesto
COBISS_ID:4676558 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Pecar_Tom_i2012.pdf (934,09 KB)
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Abstract:The use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) is very common in modern armed forces. The leading nations in using UAV are USA and Israel. Their doctrines of use are very advanced. Theyʼre using UAV for reconnaissance, force protection, control, information, tracking, target acquisition and all sorts of battle tasks. There are whole ranges of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) on the market. They are useful for executing different tasks. Taking into accountthe size of SAF and the NATO doctrine, we are interested in UAS for mini (10 - 15 km) and medium range (30 - 70 km). Primary task for UAS would beforce protection. The additional tasks for UAS would be reconnaissance, terrain and movement control. UAS could be also used for civilian purposes. Especially for protection and rescue, help in searching people, etc. In operational use of SAF in the first phase should be introduced the UAS mini, which would be implemented primarily for IMINT support of battalion combat team and units on International missions. For these tasks UAS should be equipped with high-resolution electro-optical devices and modern micro-bolometer infra cameras, which will allow getting IMINT materials in different weather conditions and conditions of limited (night) visibility. SAFin the introduction of BPL is behind in the planned construction of force goals. It is very important that these systems, according to the increasing need for timely information on the state of the modern asymmetric battlefield,will be rapidly introduced into operational use.
Keywords:unmanned aerial vehicles, unmanned aerial systems, reconnaissance, surveillance, target acquisition, information and tracking, EO/IR cameras, air platform


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