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TitleAvtomatska puška F2000 S : zaključna naloga
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Authors:Tot, Rajko (Author)
Iskrač, Igor (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Stankovič, Boris (Co-mentor)
Language:SlovenianWork type:Specialist thesisOrganization:ŠČ - Officer Candidate SchoolKeywords:avtomatska puška, FN F2000, FN F2000 S, modularnostUDC:623.442COBISS_ID:4668878Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 12954 ogledov; 1630 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf SPEC_Tot_Rajko_i2012.pdf (745,82 KB)
Abstract:V zaključni nalogi sem raziskal, zakaj je Slovenska vojska sploh začela razmišljati o novi jurišni puški, kakšne so bile potrebe in trendi v času, ko se je pričel postopek testiranj in kasnejše nabave pušk ter primerjava najresnejše konkurentke G36 in zastarele puške M70 AB2, ki je bila do takrat vuporabi. Skozi zgodovino sem pregledal potek razvoja pušk, ki so ŽpredhodnjiceŽ naše puške F2000 S in pokazal razvoj teh pušk skozi čas in glede na potrebe Slovenske vojske takrat ter glede na predvidevanja, kaj bomo potrebovali v prihodnje in kakšni so trendi in potrebe glede jurišnih pušk na območjih, kjer bomo prisotni v prihodnje. Raziskal sem tudi vlogo podjetja Herstal, ki je zasnoval osnovo naše puške in vlogo podjetja Arex, ki je ves čas izpopolnjeval osnovno puško F2000 za naše potrebe, da smo dobili jurišno puško, ki je izdelana po naših merilih, za vse naloge, ki jih opravljamo danes. Opisal sem tudi težave, na katere je naletela nova puška F2000 S in kakšne so bile rešitve za nastale probleme, ki so bili v razvojni fazi pričakovani in so sestavni del uvajanja novega sistema. Predstavil sem tudi možnosti nadgradnje jurišne puške F2000 S, s katerimi pripomoremo k večji učinkovitosti puške in posledično tudi izboljšamo učinkovitost vojaka in enotev kateri deluje.
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:EnglishAbstract:In this final paper I have researched why did the Slovenian Army actually started to think about a new assault rifle, what were the needs and trends in the time when the testing began. I also look at the comparison between the most serious competitor G36 and the old M70AB2, that was in use then. I have looked at the developement of rifles that were the predecesors of our F2000 S.I will also show the developement of the F2000 weapon through time and basedon the needs of the Slovenian Army and expectations of what we would needin the future. I have also researched the part of the company Herstal that designed the weapon and the company Arex that had upgraded the weapon based on our needs for missions that we conduct today. I have also explained the difficulties that the new F2000 S had and what kind of solutions did they find during development phase. I have also showed the possibilities of upgrading the weapon with which we can add to the efficiency of the weapon and that can consequently enhance the soldiers ability in the unit that he operates.Keywords:assault rifle, FN F2000, FN F2000 S, modularity