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TitlePogonski sistemi na sodobnih vojaških ladjah : zaključna naloga
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Authors:Tomašek, Miha (Author)
Žeželj, Davor (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Language:SlovenianWork type:Specialist thesisOrganization:ŠČ - Officer Candidate SchoolKeywords:pogonski sistem, propulzija, motor z zunanjim izgorevanjem, motor z notranjim izgorevanjem, parni stroj, dizel motor, plinska turbina, jedrski reaktorUDC:359:621.4COBISS_ID:4668110Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 9449 ogledov; 405 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf SPEC_Tomasek_Miha_i2012.pdf (2,56 MB)
Abstract:Zaključna naloga opisuje razvoj in princip delovanja najbolj tipičnih pogonskih sistemov vojaškega ladjevja skozi čas, oziroma tako imenovane propulzije. V to vključujemo vse tiste sisteme in stroje na ladji, ki dajejo potrebno energijo oz. silo, katera služi za potiskanje ladje. Skozi nalogo bompredstavil najbolj primitivne pogone, kot so vesla in jadra, med drugim pa tudi delovanje motorjev z zunanjim in notranjim izgorevanjem, kot sta parni stroj in dizelski motor ter sodobne dosežke - plinske turbine in jedrski reaktor. Predstavljene bodo tudi možne kombinacije sistemov, njihove prednostiin pomanjkljivosti. V nalogi je opisan namen in razvoj nadzornih sistemov, kot primer navajam VNL-11 Triglav v primerjavi z ladjo vojne mornarice Črne Gore VPBR-34 Pula. V zaključku so navedeni najpomembnejši elementi pogonskih sistemov in trendi razvoja le teh v bodoče.
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:EnglishAbstract:Concluded project describes developement and principle of working of the most tipical motive power systems at military ships during history - called propulsion. It includes all those systems and machines on the ships, that produce energy needed, respectevly motive power for pushing the ships. Duringthe project I will introduce the most primitive propulsions from oars and sails to exterior and interior combustion engines, as : -steam engine -diesel engine -gas turbine -nuclear reactor Also all possible combinations of the propulsion systems, their advantiges and deficients will be introduced. Almost at the end of the project the ships control and surveillance systems ofour VNL-11 Triglav are shown and compared to the ship of Montenegro Navy VPBR-34 Pula. At the end the most important elements of propulsion and the trends of the development are mentioned.Keywords:power system, propulsion, interior and exterior combustion engines, steam engine, diesel engine, gas turbine, nuclear reactor