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Title:Oskrba z uniformami v Slovenski vojski : zaključna naloga
Authors:Fišić, Ago (Author)
Lavtar, Branko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Specialist thesis
Organization:ŠČ - Officer Candidate School
Abstract:V zgodovini so se prvi zametki vojaške uniforme pojavili v virih iz starega veka od egiptovskih do mikenskih in rimskih, kjer so predstavljeni vojaki, ki so enotno oboroženi ter enotno oblečeni. Za pričetek današnjega pomena vojaške uniforme lahko upoštevamo leto 1672, ko je francoski kralj Luj XIV uvedel uniformo, ki so jo vojaki od takrat dalje dobili od države. Odnos do vojaške uniforme v RS zunaj vojašnice je bilo delno pod vplivom javnega mnenja, ki se je od leta 1991 do danes spreminjalo od navdušenja nad novo vojsko samostojne države preko zavračanja oz. kritičnega pogleda na vojsko po aferah leta 1993 in 1994 ter do pridobitve ponovnega zaupanja zaradi odprtostivojske medijem in pričetka sodelovanja na mirovnih operacijah leta 1997. V Slovenski vojski smo leta 2007 pričeli z centralizirano oskrbo z uniformami, ki se jpokazal kot zelo dober in učinkovit sistem oskrbe. V nalogi sem poizkušal prikazati pozitivne i negativne stvari, ki se pojavljajo pri izvajanju oskrbe z uniformami s poudarkom na spoštovanju predpisanih normativov. Prav tako sem tudi podal možne izboljšave organiziranja in izvajanja oskrbe z uniformami v Slovenski vojski, ki temelji predvsem na kadrovski problematiki.
Keywords:vojaška logistika, uniforme, bojevnik 21. stoletja, razredi oskrbe, skladiščne kapacitete, centralizacija
Year of publishing:2011
Publisher:[A. Fišić]
COBISS_ID:4275662 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Fisic_Ago_i2011.pdf (884,88 KB)
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Secondary language

Abstract:Historically, the first beginnings of military uniforms appeared in the sources from antiquity to the Egyptian, Roman and Mycenaean, which presents the soldiers who are armed and uniform dressed. Importance for the start of today's military uniforms can be considered the year 1672, when the French king Lui XIV introduced the uniform by soldiers since then has received from the state. Attitudes to military uniforms outside the barracks in the RS was partly under the influence of public opinion, which was from 1991 to today evolved from the enthusiasm of a newly independent country through the military or rejection and critical view of the Army After an affair in 1993 and 1994 and to acquire the confidence to re-open the media and the beginning of military cooperation in peacekeeping operations in 1997. In the Slovenian Armed Forces in 2007, we started with the centralized supply of uniforms to beas very good and effective method of treatment. The task I try to show all the good and bad things that occur in the implementation of the supply of uniforms, with an emphasis on respect for the prescribed norms. I also made possible improvements of organizing and delivering care to the Slovenian army uniforms, which is based primarily on personnel issues.
Keywords:military logistics, uniforms, 21st century fighter, classes of supply, storage capacity, centralization


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