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TitlePogonski sistem VNL Triglav 11 : zaključna naloga
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Authors:Ražman, Darko (Author)
Pečar, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Language:SlovenianWork type:Specialist thesisOrganization:ŠČ - Officer Candidate SchoolKeywords:protiteroristični boj, globalizacija, pomorski promet, varnost pomorskega prometa, koordinacija služb na morju, medresorsko sodelovanje, država gostiteljicaUDC:359:656.6COBISS_ID:4131534Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 9379 ogledov; 256 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf SPEC_Razman_Darko_i2011.pdf (3,55 MB)
Abstract:Mednarodno okolje se je s svetovno globalizacijo v preteklih letih drastično spremenilo. Današnjim grožnjam se tudi na prostranstvih morij in oceanov ni več mogoče zoperstavljati samostojno. Gre za potrebo po učinkoviti povezljivosti v domačem in mednarodnem okolju, ki bo s skupnimi silami omogočalo zagotavljanje ustrezne protiteroristične zaščite na morju in kopnem.Dejstvo je, da je več kot devetdeset odstotkov svetovne trgovine povezane z morjem. Nesoglasja v mednarodnih odnosih, prekinitev komunikacijsko- informacijskih sistemov in motnje v pomorskem prometu lahko imajo negativne posledice za nacionalna gospodarstva in razvoj. Za Slovenijo je to še toliko bolj pomembno, saj je luka Koper edino slovensko pristanišče.
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:EnglishAbstract:The international environment influenced by globalization has changed dramatically in recent years. There are various factors and threats of modern times that directly affecting the changing global security environment. Especially vulnerable is the sea with its wide spaciousness where identified threats to maritime security and safety can neither be dealt by a single agency nor a single nation. This calls for an effective national and international connectivity that would create a coalition to ensure adequate counter-terrorism security at sea and on land. It is the fact that is more than ninety percent of world trade associated with the sea and that could haveany disputes in international relations, in termination of communication -information systems or possible disruption of maritime transport, negative consequences for national economies and their development. For the Republic ofSlovenia, this is of the strategic importance, because the port of Koper is the only one national port.Keywords:counter-terrorism, globalisation, maritime transport, maritime security, co-ordination of service at sea, inter-ministerial co-operation, host nation support