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TitleUvedba služenja vojaškega roka v TO RS leta 1991 : magistrsko delo
Osnovni podatki o gradivu
Authors:Lazar, Dušan (Author)
Guštin, Damijan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Kladnik, Tomaž (Co-mentor)
Language:SlovenianWork type:Master's thesis/paperOrganization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff SchoolKeywords:teritorialna obramba, jugoslovanska ljudska armada, učni centri, usposabljanjeUDC:355.351.3(497.4)"1991"(043.5)COBISS_ID:4634062Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 11915 ogledov; 437 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf RAZ_Lazar_Dusan_i2012.pdf (1,57 MB)
Abstract:Že pred prvimi demokratičnimi volitvami v Sloveniji so v bivši Jugoslaviji med republiškimi vodstvi potekala iskanja rešitev o preureditvi političnih in družbenoekonomskih odnosov znotraj federacije, vendar niso prinesla rešitve, razen če ne štejemo za rešitev to, da so pokazala, da so med posameznimi republikami tolikšne razlike v pogledih na bodočo ekonomsko, politično in državno ureditev Jugoslavije, da jih ne bo možno uskladiti in da bo potrebno v Sloveniji iskati pot za uvedbo političnih in družbenoekonomskih sprememb ločeno od ostalega dela jugoslovanske federacije. Republika Slovenija je leta 1991 pričela s samostojnim poskusnim služenjem vojaškega roka. Za ta namen sta bila ustanovljena dva t. i. učna centra (UC), in sicer na Igu pri Ljubljani in v Pekrah pri Mariboru. Temeljni namen usposabljanja je bil usposobiti vojake, poleg tega pa tudi preveriti ustreznost vsebin in organiziranosti vojaškega usposabljanja, hkrati pa še ugotoviti, ali so nove uniforme in druga osebna oprema primerne za nabornike nastajajoče slovenske vojske. Izkušnje, ki so bile pridobljene med poskusnim usposabljanjem, so služile kot izhodišče načrtovalcem rednegausposabljanja vojaških obveznikov in samim izvajalcem pouka ter usposabljanj. Z zaključkom poskusnega usposabljanja so bile razrešene dileme o dolžini služenja vojaškega roka, opremi, ki naj jo uporablja vojaški obveznik, materialni zagotovitvi pouka in zaledni zagotovitvi usposabljanja.
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:EnglishTitle:The introduction of military service in the RS line in 1991Abstract:Even before the first democratic elections in Slovenia in the former Yugoslavia during the republican leadership held search of a solution reconfiguration of political and socio-economic relations within the federation but they did not result in a solution, unless you do not count the solutions that have shown that among the various republics that much difference in the views on the future economic, political and state regulation of Yugoslavia, that will not be possible to harmonize and to be in Slovenia look the way for the introduction of political and socio - economic changes separately from the rest of the Yugoslav Federation. Republic of Slovenia in 1991 began with the independent experimental military service. For this purpose, set up two so-called Learning Center (UC), and on the Ig near Ljubljana and Maribor in Pekre. The basic purpose of the training was to train soldiers, but also examine the adequacy of the content and organization of military training, but remains to be determined whether the new uniforms and other personal protective equipment suitable for the emerging Slovenian Army draftees. Experience gained during the pilot training served as a starting point for planners receive training conscripts and single provider of tuition and training. With the completion of pilot training dilemmas were resolved on the length of military service, the equipment used by the military servicemen on the material to provide instruction and training to provide the background of training.Keywords:territorial defense, Yugoslav peoples army, training center, training