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Title:Stopnja profesionalnosti Slovenske vojske : magistrsko delo
Authors:Volovlek, Marko (Author)
Malešič, Marjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Garb, Maja (Co-mentor)
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff School
Abstract:Slovenska vojska je na svoji dvajsetletni razvojni poti bila deležna številnih in zahtevnih procesov od obvezniške do poklicne vojske ter končno do profesionalizacije. Projekt Prehod na poklicno vojsko, dopolnjeno s prostovoljno rezervo, s kratico PROVOJ, je predstavljal temeljni proces profesionalizacije. Začel se je leta 2002 in se predčasno končal leta 2007. Postavlja se vprašanje, če so bili cilji profesionalizacije SV torej doseženi.V nalogi posebno pozornost namenjam dojemanju temeljnega poslanstva in vlogi SV, razumevanju in umeščenosti vojaške profesije, procesu profesionalizacije prek stalnega izobraževanja častniškega zbora kot nosilca vojaške profesije in odgovornega za proces profesionalizacije v celoti. V demokratičnih državah zahteva civilna družba od svojih oboroženih sil, da so profesionalne. Spremenjena vloga in nova varnostna okolja, v katerih vojaške organizacije danes delujejo, postavljajo pred častnika nove zahteve in razširjena znanja tudi na drugih področjih. Posledica tega je konvergenca vojaškega in javnega izobraževanja. Na ta način vojaška profesija postaja vse bolj uveljavljena in konkurenčna v civilnem okolju. Sistem in programi izobraževanja častnikov v SV so sicer povsem primerljivi s podobnimi v tujini,vendar pa je treba na področju povezanosti in vključenosti izobraževanja častnikov v javne sisteme izobraževanja storiti korak naprej. Slovenska vojska je z razvojem uspela doseči družbeno pričakovano stopnjo profesionalnosti, da bi profesionalizacijo vzdrževala oziroma dvignila, pa mora s tem procesom nadaljevati.
Keywords:Slovenska vojska, profesionalizacija, vojaška profesija, vojaško izobraževanje, vojaško usposabljanje, častnik, strokovnost in kariera
Year of publishing:2012
Publisher:[M. Volovlek]
COBISS_ID:4633550 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Volovlek_Marko_i2012.pdf (1,10 MB)
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Secondary language

Title:#The #level of professionalism in the Slovenian Armed Forces
Abstract:Slovenian Armed Forces on its twenty-year path of development was widely criticized during complex processes from conscription army to a professional army, and finally to the professional standards. Project transition to a professional army, supplemented by voluntary reserve the symbol PROVOJ represented a fundamental process of professionalization. It was launched in 2002 and ended early in 2007. The question is, if the objectives have been achieved thus professionalization of the SAF. The thesis pays particular attention to the fundamental perception of the mission and role of the SAF, understanding the position of military profession, the process of professionalization through continuing education of officers' corps, the military profession and the institution responsible for the professionalization process in its entirety. In democratic countries, civil society requires professionality of its armed forces. The changed role and thenew security environment in which military organizations today operate, setbefore an officer new requirements and expanded knowledge in other areas. The result is the convergence of military and public education. In this way the military profession is becoming more established and competitive in the civilian environment. System and education programs of the SAF officers are otherwise comparable with similar foreign systems and education programs, but the need of integration and inclusion of education of officers in the public education system needs to make a step forward. Slovenian Army succeeded by developing socially expected level of professionalism, but in order to maintain or raise the professionalism it must continue with this process.
Keywords:Slovenian Armed Forces, professionalization, military profession, military education, military training, officer, expertise and career


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