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Title:Analiza strateškega koncepta Nata 2010 : magistrsko delo
Authors:Fabjan, Aljaž (Author)
Malešič, Marjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff School
Abstract:Nato je v času svojega obstoja sprejel sedem strateških konceptov, štiri v času hladne vojne ter tri po njenem zaključku. Okoliščine, v katerih so bili sprejeti posamezni koncepti, so bile zelo različne, pri čemer si vsi delijo enak namen, to je definiranje temeljnih nalog ter usmerjanje delovanja zavezništva. Nato je po hladni vojni iskal novo težišče delovanja, s čimer je pričel spreminjati svoj značaj. Sprva obrambna organizacija, namenjena izvajanju kolektivne obrambe, je pričela širiti obseg nalog, območje delovanja ter postopoma prevzemala nove varnostne naloge. Odločitev za izdelavo novega strateškega koncepta Nata je bila sprejeta zlasti zaradi obsežnih sprememb v mednarodnem varnostnem okolju, novih varnostnih tveganj ter oblik odzivanja nanje (boj proti terorizmu, protipiratsko delovanje idr). Novi strateški koncept je bil sprejet novembra 2010 v Lizboni. Zastavljen je bil zelo ambiciozno, saj prinaša več bistvenih sprememb, med katerimi izstopata izenačitev pomena kriznega upravljanja ter kooperativne varnosti z zagotavljanjem kolektivne obrambe ter širitev interpretacije 5. člena Washingtonske pogodbe. Slednje pomeni, da Nato ne zagotavlja le obrambe svojih članic, temveč jih tudi varuje tudi pred določenimi varnostnimi tveganji. Koncept krepi pomen celostnega pristopa pri izvajanju kriznega upravljanja, pomen sodelovanja zavezništva z drugimi mednarodnimi organizacijami, narekuje razvoj novih, tudi civilnih zmogljivosti v okviru Nata, širi geografsko območje svojega delovanja ter nalaga nadaljnjo preoblikovanje organizacije.
Keywords:varnost, mednarodna varnost, Nato, strateški koncepti
Year of publishing:2012
Publisher:[A. Fabjan]
COBISS_ID:4633038 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Fabjan_Aljaz_i2012.pdf (472,46 KB)
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of NATO's Strategic Concept 2010
Abstract:NATO has so far adopted seven strategic concepts, four during the cold war andthree after its completion. The circumstances in which they were approved have been very different but all share the same goal which is defining the core tasks and routing of the Alliance. After the cold war NATO sought a new focus of its activity by which it began changing its character. Initially defense organization, dedicated to the implementation of collective defense, began to expand the scope of tasks, operating range and gradually assuming newsecurity missions. The decision to create a third Strategic Concept after cold war was adopted in particular because of major changes in the international security environment, new security risks and forms of response (anti-terrorism, anti-piracy operation, etc.). The new strategic concept was adopted in November 2010 in Lisbon and it is very ambitious. It includes several significant changes; the equalization of importance of crisis management and cooperative security by providing collective defense and the enlarged interpretation of Article 5 of the Washington Treaty. NATO does not only provide defense of its members against security threats but also against new security risks. The concept reinforces the importance of an integrated approach in the implementation of crisis management and of cooperation with other international organizations, requires development of new (including civilian) capabilities within NATO, expands its geographical area of operation, and requires further transformation of the organization.
Keywords:security, international security, NATO, strategic concept


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