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TitleVloga Slovenske vojske pri soočenju z okoljskimi grožnjami : zaključna naloga
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Authors:Murko, Aleksander (Author)
Podbregar, Iztok (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Medja, Klemen (Co-mentor)
Language:SlovenianWork type:Specialist thesisOrganization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff SchoolKeywords:okoljske grožnje, ogroženost, varnost, nacionalna varnost, varstvo pred naravnimi in drugimi nesrečami, zaščita - reševanje in pomoč, zmogljivost in pripravljenost Slovenske vojskeUDC:504.4:355.1/.3(043.24)COBISS_ID:4393166Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 10731 ogledov; 340 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf SPEC_Murko_Aleksander_i2011.pdf (1,85 MB)
Abstract:Za sodobno družbo so značilni nenehne spremembe varnostnega okolja na nacionalni, nadnacionalni in globalni ravni ter posledično vse večja raznovrstnost, kompleksnost, asimetričnost delovanja ter prepletanje različnih groženj. Ob zmanjševanju pomena klasičnih vojaških groženj (ki pa jih kljub vsemu dolgoročno ni možno izključevati) so vse bolj v ospredju nevojaške grožnje. Mednje sodijo tudi okoljske grožnje, ki zaradi svoje nepredvidljivosti in predvsem v zadnjem času zelo izrazitega multiplikativnega učinka dobivajo vse večji pomen in so ena od najpomembnejših oblik varnostnih groženj, s katero se srečujeta sodobna družba in v njenem okviru tudi Slovenija. Slovenska vojska v skladu z zakonskimi določili predstavlja pomemben element – operativno sestavino nacionalnovarnostnega sistema, zato je kot sestavni del družbe v skladu s svojo organiziranostjo in opremljenostjo poleg svojih osnovnih nalog dolžna aktivno sodelovati tudi pri izvajanju ukrepov za zmanjševanje in preprečevanje okoljskih groženj ter postopkov v primeru pojava in eskalacije teh groženj. S pravilnim pristopom in sodelovanjem z drugimi subjekti nacionalne varnosti ter celotno družbo lahko Slovenska vojska zelo pripomore k preprečevanju in zmanjševanju tovrstnih groženj oziroma aktivno sodeluje v sanaciji njihovih posledic. Poleg ustrezne zakonske podlage, dobrega načrtovanja njenega delovanja in predvsem pravočasnega odločanja o njeni uporabi so za Slovensko vojsko oziroma za njeno učinkovito sodelovanje z drugimi akterji pri izvajanju nalog s področja soočanja z okoljskimi grožnjami pomembni tudi njena usposobljenost, razpoložljivost sil in sredstev ter dobro medsebojno poznavanje s sodelujočimi. Za čim učinkovitejše soočanje s tovrstnimi grožnjami se od celotne družbe zahtevata celovit pristop in pravočasno ukrepanje ter se pričakuje, da v ta namen uporabi vse svoje razpoložljive sile in zmogljivosti. Kljub temu pa je v dosedanjih aktivnostih nivo vključevanja posameznih subjektov na te naloge variiral od primera do primera.
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:EnglishTitle:Role of the Slovenian Armed Forces in facing environmental threatsAbstract:Contemporary society is characterized by constant changes in the security environment at the national, transnational and global level, and consequently by the ever growing diversity, complexity and asymmetry of operation and the intertwinement of different threats. As the significance of classic military threats diminishes (in the long term they can, nonetheless, not be excluded), the non-military threats are becoming more prominent. These threats include environmental threats which are gaining importance due to their unpredictability and multiplicative effect which has been recently very pronounced. They represent one of the most important forms of security threats to the contemporary society and consequently Slovenia. In accordance with the regulatory provisions, the Slovenian Armed Forces represent an important element – an operational component of the national security system. As an integral part of the society and in compliance with their organisation and equipment, the Slovenian Armed Forces must, in addition to their basic tasks, actively participate in the implementation of measures for the reduction and prevention of environmental threats and in the implementation of procedures to be used in the event of threats or escalation of these threats. With an adequate approach and through cooperation with other national security subjects and the entire society, the Slovenian Armed Forces can strongly contribute to the prevention and reduction of such threats, and actively participate in the rehabilitation of their consequences. In addition to an appropriate legal basis, good operational planning and above all a timely decision-making on the use of forces, what is essential for effective cooperation of the Slovenian Armed Forces with other actors in the performance of tasks related to environmental threats is also their competence, availability of forces and resources, and a good mutual acquaintance of the participants. Effective confrontation with such threats requires a comprehensive approach and timely response of the entire society. It is expected that the society will make use of all the forces and capabilities available. Nonetheless, the level of inclusion of individual subjects in these tasks has so far varied on a case-by-case basis. Keywords:environmental threats, environmental threats, risk, security, national security, protection against natural and other disasters, protection, rescue and relief, Slovenian Armed Forces capabilities and readiness