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Title:Geoprostorska podpora obrambnemu sistemu Republike Slovenije
Authors:Balas, Jože (Editor)
Kokalj, Ana (Editor)
Kovič, Boris (Editor)
Derman-Zadravec, Tamara (Translator)
McKeating, Christopher (Translator)
Simonovič Bakoš, Nataša (Translator)
Florjanc, Aleš (Reviewer)
Obrulj, Vojko (Reviewer)
Karničnik, Igor (Reviewer)
Oven, Katja (Reviewer)
Kladnik, Tomaž (Reviewer)
Petrovič, Dušan (Reviewer)
Kokalj, Žiga (Reviewer)
Bratun, Zvonimir (Reviewer)
Vrščaj, Borut (Reviewer)
Kovič, Boris (Reviewer)
Črnčec, Damir (Reviewer)
Marsetič, Aleš (Reviewer)
Work type:Proceedings
Organization:MORS - MORS publications
Abstract:V prispevku je podan kratek pregled vzpostavitve kartografskega sistema za potrebe Ministrstva za obrambo RS. Razvoj vojaškega kartografskega sistema poteka hkrati z razvojem državnega (civilnega) kartografskega sistema, ki ga vodi Geodetska uprava Republike Slovenije, ob upoštevanju potreb Slovenske vojske, usmeritev in standardov Nata. Predstavljene so serije vojaških kart po posameznih merilih ter opisane njihove značilnosti. Opisana je problematika vzdrževanja in obnove kart, tiska ter hranjenja kartografskega gradiva. Izpostavljena je pomembnost priprave strategije razvoja slovenske vojaške kartografije, ki je načrtovana v okviru ciljnih raziskovalnih programov. Predstavljena je tudi umeščenost geoprostorske dejavnosti na Ministrstvu za obrambo ter sodelovanje z zunanjimi institucijami na razvojnem in operativnem področju.
Keywords:vojaška geografija, topografija, kartografija
Year of publishing:2012
Publisher:Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije, Direktorat za obrambne zadeve, Sektor za načrtovanje
COBISS_ID:261939712 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf MORS_GEO_180.pdf (21,51 MB)
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Secondary language

Abstract:The article briefly describes the establishment of a cartographic system for the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Slovenia. The development of the military cartographic system runs parallel to the civil state cartographic system, which is managed by the Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia, with respect to the needs of Slovenian Armed Forces and NATO directives and standards. A series of military maps are presented upon the scales, with a description of their characteristics. Problems relatingto maintainance, renewal, printing and the proper storing of military maps are described. The importance of developing the strategy of the Slovenian military cartographic system development, planned within the frame of Target Research Programmes, is emphasized. The organization of the geospatial field of work within Ministry of Defence is discussed, as well as the cooperation with external institutions on development and operational levels.


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