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NaslovRazvoj učnih sredstev za ugotavljanje varstva pred požari : končno poročilo - ver. 2.
Osnovni podatki o gradivu
Avtorji:Bukovec, Peter (Avtor)
Kožuh, Mitja (Avtor)
Grm, Bojan (Avtor)
Jug, Aleš (Avtor)
Lončar, Petra (Avtor)
Košir, Iztok (Avtor)
Jezik:Slovenski jezikVrsta gradiva:Temeljna raziskavaOrganizacija:MORS - Publikacije MORSKljučne besede:varstvo pred požari, učna sredstva, gašenje, gasilstvoUDK:614.84COBISS_ID:3854798Povezava se odpre v novem oknuStatistika: 9637 ogledov; 4649 prenosovPodročja:Gradivo ni uvrščeno v področja.
Datoteke:.pdf RAZ_Bukovec_Peter_i2008.pdf (115,02 KB)
.pdf RAZ_Bukovec_Peter_i2008.pdf (553,70 KB)
.pdf RAZ_Bukovec_Peter_i2008.pdf (670,76 KB)
.pdf RAZ_Bukovec_Peter_i2008.pdf (493,64 KB)
.pdf RAZ_Bukovec_Peter_i2008.pdf (221,73 KB)
Citiranje gradiva
Sekundarni jezik
Jezik:Angleški jezikOpis:The main purpose of the project was to provide the base literature for candidates who are preparing for fire safety proficiency exam. The project results should provide them an explanation of fundamental and upgraded topics in fire protection. Materials are prepared in such a manner that can be understandable several profiles in the field of fire protection. Ključne besede:The main purpose of the project was to provide the base literature for candidates who are preparing for fire safety proficiency exam. The project results should provide them an explanation of fundamental and upgraded topics in fire protection. Materials are prepared in such a manner that can be understandable several profiles in the field of fire protection.