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TitleDvig zavzetosti zaposlenih : zaključna naloga
Osnovni podatki o gradivu
Authors:Rupnik, Anton (Author)
Bratušek, Boris (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Language:SlovenianWork type:Specialist thesisOrganization:ŠP - Non-Commissioned Officer SchoolKeywords:zavzetost zaposlenih, voditelj, zadovoljstvo, motivacija, vodenjeUDC:005.32:331.101.3COBISS_ID:4064462Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 12139 ogledov; 543 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf SPEC_Rupnik_Anton_i2011.pdf (321,16 KB)
Abstract:Organizacije si v današnjem svetu velike konkurence želijo obstati in biti uspešne. Vodstva se vedno bolj zavedajo pomembnosti ravnanja z zaposlenimi. Izkušnje kažejo, da številne organizacije vlagajo precej sredstev in dela v izbiro primernih kadrov, ko pa jih zaposlijo, se z njimi nihče več sistematično ne ukvarja, ali pa se ukvarja na napačen način. Posledica je, da so njihovi delovni rezultati pod pričakovanji. Razlog za to je preprost: vodilni menedžerji jih ne znajo ustrezno voditi, motivirati in nagrajevati. Na področju teorij ravnanja s človeškimi viri stopa v ospredje koncept zavzetosti pri delu. Koncept združuje zadovoljstvo, motivacijo, pripadnost in predanost zaposlenih, kar naj bi bil kvalitativni premik v organizacijski klimi in posledično uspešnosti organizacije. V nalogi pojasnim kaj zavzetost sploh je, kaj koncept zavzetosti obsega in na kakšen način izvajamo merjenje zavzetosti. Rezultati merjenja nam povedo, kaj moramo spremeniti na področju voditeljstva, da bodo zaposleni zadovoljni in bolj učinkoviti. Pri uspešnosti koncepta zavzetosti ima voditelj in njegov slog vodenja ključno vlogo.
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:EnglishAbstract:In today's world of fierce competition companies strive for success and survival on the market. Experience shows that numerous organizations invest substantial means and energy towards hiring suitable employees, yet once hiredthe companies do not engage them systematically enough or they engage them in wrong ways, which leads to the consequence of the employees performingbelow the expectations of the employers. Leadership is more and more aware of the importance of ways of treating the employee so they are looking for suitable ways of leading, motivating and rewarding them. On the field of the theory of human resource management a relatively new concept of employee engagement is coming in to the foreground. The concept merges satisfaction, motivation, a sense of belonging and dedication, which should bea move towards the quality of the working environment that should greatly improve the success of the company. In the paper I explain what the concept means, what it entails and what is the end result. Engagement can be measured and the results tell us what we need to change to make our employees more efficient. The leader and his style of leadership plays a crucial role in defining the success of the concept.Keywords:employee engagement, manager, satisfaction, motivation, leadership