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TitlePostopki priprave MOTČ za bojevanje : zaključna naloga
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Authors:Večernik, Boris (Author)
Preložnik, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Language:SlovenianWork type:Specialist thesisOrganization:ŠČ - Officer Candidate SchoolKeywords:analiza, logistika, motorizirana četa (MOTČ), priprave, podstrukturaUDC:356.116COBISS_ID:3711438Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 9996 ogledov; 84 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf SPEC_Vecernik_Boris_i2009.pdf (328,50 KB)
Abstract:Priprava motorizirane čete za bojevanje je zelo velikega pomena, saj lahko z dobro pripravo precej povečamo naše možnosti za uspešno izvedbo dodeljene naloge, prav tako pa lahko z dobro pripravo za bojevanje, bolje pripravimo moštvo in s tem preprečimo oziroma zmanjšamo morebitne izgube. Analiza dejanskega stanja v enoti je dandanes potrebna za ugotavljanje v kakšnem stanju je enota in brez nje praktično ni moč pričakovati izboljšanja vprihodnosti. Kvalitetno izvedbo dodeljenih nalog, lahko enota doseže z dobro pripravljenostjo in usposobljenostjo. Za enote je pomembno da pogosto analizirajo dosedanje delo, saj lahko le na ta način pridejo do zaključkov, kaj od narejenega je bilo dobro in kaj bi bilo potrebno v prihodnosti popraviti. Za ugotovitev sedanjega stanja priprave motorizirane čete za bojevanje sem se odločil, da izvedem z analizo dobrih in slabih strani (prednosti in slabosti). Namen analize je ugotavljanje trenutnega stanja. Izdelava analize je ugotavljanje dobrih in slabih strani glede priprave za bojevanje v motorizirani četi in pomagati motorizirani četi pri izboljšanju dosedanjih postopkov. Namen je tudi odpraviti napake in poizkusiti izboljšati sedanje stanje v enoti ter posvetiti več časa elementom za katere se izkaže, da so slabosti enote. Pomembno je tudi, da se v prihodnosti odpravijo ugotovljene slabosti, izkoristijo ugotovljene prednosti in se izogne pretečimse nevarnostim pri izvedbi priprave. Na podlagi analize sem ugotovil,da so dobre strani v pripravah motorizirane čete predvsem v logistikiin elementu zavarovanja. Slabosti, na katere bo potrebno v bodoče biti še posebej pozoren sta JRKBO zaščita in psihološka priprava na bojevanje.
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:EnglishAbstract:The combat readiness of motorized unit is crucial for the final status of successfully accomplished mission. Advanced tactical approach and training also dramatically reduces possible loss of lives and/or damage of support & combat vehicles, it in fact also upgrades team spirit and effects squad qualification in general. Analyses of the actual state inside the combat unitare most necessary and without it, future activity of such unit is very limited; life threatened even. The successfully accomplished missions can be achieved only with as good combat readiness status as possible and top qualification of each active unit member. Debriefing process after each training session and/or live combat operation is crucial for superior officer to determine the future approach to the unit and field of action. The results are extremely important for operational status of the unit in the future, as long as they are processed correctly, because commanding officer/combat unit leader can acquire details of what is still to be improved in the future. For the determination of the current state of readiness inside the motorized squadI have decided to carry out the positive and negative analyze. (Advantageand disadvantage) Main goal of analyzing process is to determine current state inside the unit, having to deal with advantages and disadvantages regarding preparation for operational status inside the motorized squad and its combat readiness. Also it is important to improve the procedures that are currently being used if they are estimated to be insufficient, unnecessary or present weakness of the unit in general. Finding out about the weakness inside the unit is not enough, such attribute needs to be eliminated in the future, while the positive ones have to be taken under the consideration. The possible danger and risks while executing the tactical training orders should and must be avoided by all means. On the bases of analyze results I have come to the conclusion, that the positive thing while preparing and training of motorized unit is in fact the logistics process and security component. The weakness as far as I see it, would be the radiologic, biologic and chemical warfare protection and psychological readiness for combat engagement in general.Keywords:analyses, logistics process, motorized unit/squad, preparation, understructure