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TitlePooblastila pripadnikov Slovenske vojske v tujini : zaključna naloga
Osnovni podatki o gradivu
Authors:Modic, Robert (Author)
Bitenc, Drago (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Potočnik, Gregor (Co-mentor)
Language:SlovenianWork type:Specialist thesisOrganization:ŠČ - Officer Candidate SchoolKeywords:kolektivna varnost, Slovenska vojska, mirovne operacije, pravna podlaga, pooblastilaUDC:355.1/.3(497.4):355.356/.357COBISS_ID:3712206Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 10228 ogledov; 236 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf SPEC_Modic_Robert_i2009.pdf (400,19 KB)
Abstract:Prisotnost vojaških enot v globalnem svetu je vse večje. Mirovne operacije so postale eden od mehanizmov mednarodne skupnosti za reševanje sporov. Organizacija Združenih narodov je organizacija kolektivne varnosti v svetu inima legitimno pravico za izvajanje mirovnih operacij in uporabo sile. Pravnopodlago za izvajanje mirovnih operacij in uporabe sile ji dajejo mednarodno sprejete pogodbe, konvencije in sporazumi. Vsaka mirovna operacija ima svoj mandat, ki izhaja iz resolucij Varnostnega sveta Združenih narodov. Vteh operacijah so na prizoriščih prisotne oborožene vojaške enote, ki imajo na podlagi mandata določena pooblastila za uporabo sile. O uporabi sile za določeno mirovno operacijo se odloča na najvišjem političnem nivoju, kjer se vobliki dokumentov prenese do slehernega vojaka na terenu. Poznavanje, jasnostin razumljivost pravil uporabe sile na terenu je ključnega pomena za uspeh mirovnih operacij, ker je od ravnanja vojakov na terenu pogosto odvisnoživljenje in smrt udeležencev mirovne operacije, sprtih strani in lokalnega prebivalstva.
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:EnglishAbstract:The presence of military forces in the global world is growing. Peacekeeping operations have become one of the mechanisms of the international community for solving conflicts. The United Nations is an organization of collective security in the world and has a legitimate right to carry out peacekeeping operations and the use of force. The legal basis for the implementation of peacekeeping operations and the use of force are the accepted international treaties, conventions and agreements. Each peacekeeping operation has its own term, arising from the resolutions of United Nations Security Council. In these operations are present armed military units who have, based on a mandat,certain powers to use force. The use of force for a peacekeeping operation is decided at the highest political level, where they pass it through in the form of a document for every soldier on the field. Knowledge, clarity and understanding of the rules of the engagement on the field is crucial to the success of peacekeeping operations. From the soldiers behaviouron the field often depends the life and death of the participants in peacekeeping missions, parties in the conflict and of the local population.Keywords:collective security, Slovenian Armed Forces, peacekeeping operations, legal basis, authorization