Title: | Steganografija in metode stegoanalize : specialistična naloga : informacijska varnost |
Authors: | Authors are not mentioned. |
Language: | Slovenian |
Work type: | Not categorized |
Organization: | MORS - MORS publications |
Keywords: | steganografija, stegoanaliza, kriptografija, skriti dokumenti, detekcija skritih elementov, steganography, stegoanalysis, criptography, hidden document, detection of hidden documents |
Year of publishing: | 2008 |
Publisher: | [V. Rajh] |
Source: | Ljubljana |
ontolib (digital library MORS 1): | 68 |
COBISS_ID: | 3039438 |
Note: | Vekoslav Rajh. ,Mentor Tomaž Klobučar. ,Univ. v Mariboru, Fakulteta za varnostne vede.; VIII, 86 f. : ilustr. ; 30 cm. |
Views: | 8936 |
Downloads: | 246 |
Files: | spec_naloga_Rajh_0806.pdf (3,35 MB)
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