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Title:Organizacija premika CZV iz OPM MOTB na NPM : zaključna naloga
Authors:Poljak, Matej (Author)
Flisek, Samo (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Specialist thesis
Organization:ŠČ - Officer Candidate School
Abstract:Organizacija premika CKIS iz osnovnega na naslednje poveljniško mesto je taktična aktivnost, pri kateri mora biti izpolnjenih kar nekaj pogojev, da je slednji izveden uspešno. Pravilno taktično načrtovanje in poveljevanje ter nadzor med premikom temelji na izdelavi in izdaji mnogih ukazov in povelj. Dobra taktika premikov je vedno dopolnjena s kvalitetnimi transportnimi sredstvi, ki omogočajo vodu zvez, da sredstva za komunikacijsko in informacijsko podporo motoriziranemu bataljonu, pravočasno in varno prepeljejo na naslednjo lokacijo. Vozila za zagotavljanje podpore KIS morajo biti vsaj tako mobilna kot so bojna vozila v motoriziranemu bataljonu. Le tako bodo lahko nudila podporo KIS bataljonu pri manevrskem bojevanju. Poleg tega mora vod zvez imeti na voljo tudi kvalitetne in praktične sisteme zvez, ki mu omogočajo tako vzdrževanje zvez med premikom, kot čimprejšnje ponovno vzpostavljanje na naslednjem poveljniškem mestu. Vod za zveze mora tako slediti tehnološkemu razvoju zlasti brezžičnih komunikacijskih naprav, ki bi omogočale premostitev velikokrat zamudnih žičnih linij, takrat, ko je slednje praktično in tudi varno.
Keywords:premik, center komunikacijsko informacijskih sistemov, komunikacijsko informacijska podpora, motorizirani bataljon, vod zvez, transportna sredstva, brezžične komunikacijske naprave
Year of publishing:2010
Publisher:[M. Poljak]
COBISS_ID:3759310 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Poljak_Matej_i2010.pdf (641,56 KB)
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Secondary language

Abstract:Organization of the battalion communication center when displacing from primary to the next command post is a tactical activity which combines many conditions to be properly carried out if we want this activity to be successful. This means good planning, command and control, writing and issuingmany orders before and during tactical movement. Good tactical movementis always combined with good transportation means which enable signal platoon to safely and timely delivers communication and information support equipment to the next command post location. Vehicles mobility has to be comparable to those of armored personnel carriers of the motorized battalion. Only in this case communication and information support can be offered to the motorized battalion during maneuver warfare. Last important thing is communication systems quality which enables constant connection during movement as well as timely reestablishment of command post communication and information systems support. Signal platoon has to be able to follow technological development, especially in the wireless communication and information field in order to switch from wire to wireless when it is safe and possible.
Keywords:displacement, communication center, communication and information systems support, motorized battalion, signal platoon, transportation, wireless communication devices


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