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TitleAvoiding a ‘Digital 7 October’ : a study on cyberwarfare against Israel during the October 2023 War
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Authors:Pavel, Tal (Author)Language:EnglishWork type:UnknownTipology:1.01 - Original Scientific ArticleOrganization:MORS - MORS publicationsKeywords:Hamas, hybrid warfare, cyber securityUDC:355.4(679.83)"2023-"article ISSN:2463-9575COBISS_ID:216518659Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 274 ogledov; 4 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf RAZ_Pavel_Tal_i2024.pdf (433,16 KB)
Abstract:On 7 October, 2023, the Palestinian militant group Hamas launched a massive combined offensive against Israel. Concurrent with the kinetic attacks, various cyber threat actors attributed to Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, and Russia initiated cyberattacks targeting Israeli information systems across commercial, industrial, and governmental sectors. This paper analyses these cyberattacks, as well as Israel's cybersecurity countermeasures. Key findings indicate that while Israel was able to withstand the »Digital 7 October« onslaught from cyber attacker, the attacks demonstrated the potential to significantly impact and damage different institutions; the need for a fundamental shift in defining cyber defence and resilience, especially regarding the civil society and infrastructure, in Israel and worldwide.
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:SlovenianTitle:Avoiding a Digital 7 OctoberAbstract:Palestinska militantna skupina Hamas je 7. oktobra 2023 začela obsežno skupno ofenzivo proti Izraelu. Hkrati s kinetičnimi napadi so različni povzročitelji kibernetskih groženj, ki jih pripisujejo Hamasu, Hezbolahu, Iranu in Rusiji, sprožili kibernetske napade na izraelske informacijske sisteme v komercialnem, industrijskem in vladnem sektorju. Ta prispevek analizira te kibernetske napade in izraelske protiukrepe na področju kibernetske varnosti. Čeprav je Izrael sicer vzdržal napad kibernetskega napadalca »digitalni 7. oktober«, ključne ugotovitve kažejo na to, da lahko tovrstni napadi znatno vplivajo na različne institucije in jim povzročijo škodo ter da je treba tako v Izraelu kot po svetu temeljito spremeniti opredelitev kibernetske obrambe in odpornosti, zlasti kar zadeva civilno družbo in infrastrukturo.Keywords:Hamas, hibridno bojevanje, kibernetska varnost