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TitleThe cumulative effects of conflict drivers in the Sahel region
Osnovni podatki o gradivu
Authors:Juvan, Jelena (Author)Language:EnglishWork type:UnknownTipology:1.01 - Original Scientific ArticleOrganization:MORS - MORS publicationsUDC:355/359(292.63/.69)article ISSN:2232-2825COBISS_ID:201184003Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 380 ogledov; 11 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf RAZ_Juvan_Jelena_i2024.pdf (434,16 KB)
Abstract:This article reflects on the complex security situation in the Sahel region, identifying the causes and drivers of conflicts. The main hypothesis underlying the article is that the security situation in the Sahel region is influenced by several different causes and conflict drivers which have cumulative effects, making conflict resolution extremely difficult. The first part of the article identifies the causes and drivers of conflict and classifies them into four main categories. In the second part, the article shows how the causes and drivers are interwoven, creating multiple spillover effects, making the Sahel region one of the most problematic regions in the world.
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:SlovenianTitle:Kumulativni učinki gonil konfliktov v regiji SahelAbstract:Članek analizira zapletene varnostne razmere v regiji Sahel ter ugotavlja vzroke in gonila conflictive v regiji. Osrednja hipoteza, na kateri temelji članek, je, da na varnostne razmere v regiji Sahel vpliva več različnih vzrokov in gonil/povzročiteljev konfliktov, ki imajo kumulativne učinke, zaradi česar je reševanje konfliktov izjemno težko. Prvi del članka opredeljuje vzroke in dejavnike konflikta ter jih razvršča v štiri glavne kategorije. V drugem delu članek prikazuje, kako se vzroki in gonila prepletajo, kar ustvarja številne učinke prelivanja v sosednje države, v sosednje regije in tudi na druge celine, zaradi česar je regija Sahel ena najbolj problematičnih regij na svetu.