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Title:Managing ethical risks in military education
Authors:Okovič, Dejan (Author)
Work type:Unknown
Tipology:1.02 - Review Article
Organization:MORS - MORS publications
Abstract:This article deals with the interconnection and conditionality of ethics and scientific research. It describes the different types and causes of unethical actions, which it classifies into groups, as well as the approaches to the management of unethical acts, focusing on the situation in the Slovenian scientific area. The article goes on to discuss the situation after the establishment of a National Military College in the military education system, and describes a unique way of managing ethics in a military organization and the suitability of applying the same in military education. After an analysis of the experience to date, the similarities and differences between the military and civilian education systems in the field of ethical risk management are explained.
Keywords:science, research, military education system, unethicality, ethical risks
Year of publishing:2023
article ISSN:2463-9575
COBISS_ID:165860611 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Okovic_Dejan_i2023.pdf (359,78 KB)
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Secondary language

Title:Upravljanje etičnih tveganj v vojaškem šolstvu
Abstract:Članek obravnava medsebojno povezanost in pogojenost etike in znanstvenega raziskovanja. Opisuje načine in vzroke neetičnih dejanj, ki jih razvršča v skupine. Opisuje pristope k obvladovanju neetičnih dejanj in opisuje stanje v slovenskem znanstvenem prostoru. Opisuje stanje po vzpostavitvi Visoke vojaške šole v sistemu vojaškega izobraževanja. Opisuje edinstven način upravljanja etike v vojaški organizaciji na splošno in primernost uporabe istega načina v vojaškem izobraževanju. Po analizi dosedanjih izkušenj so opisane podobnosti in razlike med vojaškim in civilnim izobraževalnim sistemom na področju etičnega obvladovanja tveganj.
Keywords:znanost, raziskave, vojaški izobraževalni sistem, neetičnost, etična tveganja


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