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Title:Predlog dopolnitve slovenske zakonodaje na vojaškem področju
Authors:Potočnik, Gregor (Author)
Work type:Unknown
Tipology:1.02 - Review Article
Organization:MORS - MORS publications
Abstract:Delovanje državnih organov temelji na zakonodaji. Vojaško področje, ki je ožje od obrambnega, z vsemi značilnostmi in lastnostmi največjega skupka kinetične energije in hkrati celostne energije državne institucionalizirane prisile pa je še toliko bolj odvisno od pomena in namena državne zakonodaje. Priporočljivo bi bilo, da bi slovenska zakonodaja na vojaškem področju v prihodnje učinkoviteje in predvsem uspešneje sledila mednarodnemu dogajanju na področju vojaške zakonodaje, znanosti ter vojaških raziskav in razvoju. Interdisciplinarne vsebine na vojaškem področju zahtevajo posebno pozornost, previdnost in predvsem daljnosežno predvidljivost, kar je v sodobnem svetu težko, vendar ne neizvedljivo. Predvidljivost prihodnjega vojaškega dogajanja potrebuje jasno, ciljno določno in nedvoumno zakonodajno vsebino.
Keywords:politični dokumenti, zakonodajni dokumenti, obramba, vojaštvo, vojaška znanost
Year of publishing:2023
article ISSN:2463-9575
COBISS_ID:165811715 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Potocnik_Gregor_i2023.pdf (363,45 KB)
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Secondary language

Title:Proposal to supplement Slovenian legislation in the military field
Abstract:The foundation of any activity of all state bodies must primarily be based on state legislation. The military field, which is narrower than the defense field, with all the characteristics and properties of the largest collection of kinetic energy and at the same time the integrated energy of state institutionalized coercion, is even more dependent on the meaning and purpose of state legislation. It would be recommended that in the future Slovenian legislation in the military field would more effectively and above all more successfully follow international developments in the field of military legislation, science and military research and development. It should be emphasized that interdisciplinary content in the military field requires special attention, caution and, above all, far-reaching predictability, which is extremely difficult in the modern world, but not impossible. The predictability of future military events requires clear, target-specific and unambiguous legislative content.
Keywords:policy documents, legislative documents, defense, military, military science


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