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TitlePoskus utemeljitve habilitacijskega področja vojaški menedžment, voditeljstvo in etika
Osnovni podatki o gradivu
Authors:Okovič, Dejan (Author)Language:SlovenianWork type:UnknownTipology:1.08 - Published Scientific Conference ContributionOrganization:MORS - MORS publicationsKeywords:habilitacije, habilitacijsko področje, vojaški menedžment, etika, voditeljstvoUDC:355.232:005(497.4)COBISS_ID:147474435Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 1654 ogledov; 18 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf RAZ_Okovic_Dejan_i2023.pdf (178,58 KB)
Abstract:Slovenska vojska ima od leta 1992 skoraj nespremenjen interni sistem vojaškega izobraževanja in usposabljanja. Kljub večkrat ugotovljenim dejstvom, da razpolaga z vsemi potrebnimi viri, je bilo preoblikovanje v smeri približevanja javnemu izobraževalnemu sistemu kljub zapisanim usmeritvam v temeljnih razvojnih in strokovnih dokumentih do zdaj neuspešno. Leta 2021 je ponovno začel potekati podoben proces. Ali je ustanovitev Visoke vojaške šole prava pot za dosego dolgoletnih ambicij? Ali bo tokrat dovolj modrosti, volje in poguma, da bodo uresničili, kar je že nekaj časa očitno kot na dlani? Po tridesetih letih vzpostavljamo pogoje za oblikovanje vojaških ved, določamo potrebno terminologijo in organiziramo habilitacijska področja, ki bodo temelj za izvajanje znanstvenoraziskovalnih in pedagoških procesov. Prispevek razkriva stanje pred ustanovitvijo Visoke vojaške šole in po njej, predstavlja njena pomen in vlogo ter predstavlja cilje delovanja, oblikovanje in vsebine habilitacijskega področja vojaški menedžment, voditeljstvo in etika. Avtor opiše metodologijo, s katero je bila izvedena naloga, in predstavi svoje pomisleke ter prepričanja glede vloge in pomena habilitacijskega področja.
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:EnglishTitle:Attempt to justify the habilitation field of military management, leadership and ethicsAbstract:The Slovenian Armed Forces has had an almost unchanged internal system of military education and training since 1992. Despite the repeatedly established fact that the relevant resources have always been available, the transformation towards a public education system has so far been unsuccessful, despite the orientation set out in basic research and expert documents. In 2021, a similar process was undertaken again. Is the establishment of the National Military College the right path for the attainment of longstanding ambitions? Will there be enough wisdom, will and courage this time to accomplish that which has been obvious for quite some time now? After thirty years, conditions are being established for the transformation of military sciences, the required terminology is being defined, and the habilitation fields which will serve as a platform for the implementation of scientific research and education processes are being organized. This paper describes the situation before and after the establishment of the National Military College, outlines its significance and role, and presents the objectives, design and content of the habilitation field of military management, leadership and ethics. The author describes the methodology by means of which the task has been carried out, and presents his own beliefs and concerns concerning the role and the importance of the habilitation field.Keywords:habilitations, habilitation field, military management, ethics, leadership