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TitleEuropean security through the prism of identity and international conflicts (the case of the Republic of North Macedonia)
Osnovni podatki o gradivu
Authors:Andonov, Oliver (Author)
Iljeva, Jana (Author)
Language:EnglishWork type:UnknownTipology:1.02 - Review ArticleOrganization:MORS - MORS publicationsKeywords:international relations, Europe, North Macedonia, European security, national security, identityUDC:327.5:355.02(497.7)article ISSN:2463-9575COBISS_ID:135480835Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 1578 ogledov; 45 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf RAZ_Andonov_Oliver_i2022.pdf (386,46 KB)
Abstract:The European Union, as an intergovernmental union, has been trying to create the European security identity as a reflection of the European security perception among all the Member States for more than two decades. In the implementation of this theoretical determinant in the pragmatic security policy, the question of identity at the national level and the understanding of the preservation of national security in the interstate conflicts of the European Security Area has emerged. One of the key segments of the security and identity issue is integrated in the basic interests of national security, and that is the preservation of the biological substrate for nation’s survival. The Republic of North Macedonia is facing this issue which will be discussed in paper through both the theoretical and practical aspects.
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:SlovenianTitle:Evropska varnost skozi prizmo identitete in mednarodnih konfliktov (primer Republike Severne Makedonije)Abstract:Evropska unija si kot medvladna unija že več kot dve desetletji prizadeva oblikovati evropsko varnostno identiteto, ki bi odražala razumevanje evropske varnosti v vseh državah članicah. Pri implementaciji te teoretične determinante v pragmatično varnostno politiko se je pojavilo vprašanje identitete na nacionalni ravni in razumevanje ohranjanja nacionalne varnosti v meddržavnih konfliktih evropskega varnostnega prostora. Eden izmed pomembnih delov vprašanja varnosti in identitete je integriran v temeljne interese nacionalne varnosti – to je ohranjanje biološkega substrata za preživetje naroda. S tem se spoprijema Republika Severna Makedonija, kar bo v prispevku obravnavano s teoretičnega in praktičnega vidika.Keywords:evropska varnost, nacionalna varnost, identiteta