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Title:Establishing terminology management infrastructure – a case study of slovenian defence and military terminology
Authors:Hazler, Ana (Author)
Work type:Unknown
Tipology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:MORS - MORS publications
Abstract:This paper presents the process of establishing a terminology management infrastructure in the Slovenian Armed Forces (SAF) and the Ministry of Defence with the aim of ensuring standardized defence and military terminology. The process, which began in 2018, leaned on the best practices of the NATO Standardization Office and Canada’s Ministry of Defence, both of which have well-established military terminology management and standardization systems in place. As the process was established by language professionals, the paper attempts to identify the overall opinion with regard to terminology at the Ministry and in the SAF by means of a survey.
Keywords:terminology management, terminology standardization, terminology management infrastructure, subject matter experts, terminological products
Year of publishing:2022
article ISSN:2463-9575
COBISS_ID:135284227 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Hazler_Ana_i2022.pdf (703,42 KB)
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Secondary language

Title:Vzpostavljanje infrastrukture upravljanja terminologije – študija primera slovenske obrambno-vojaške terminologije
Abstract:V članku je predstavljen proces vzpostavitve infrastrukture za upravljanje terminologije v Slovenski vojski in na Ministrstvu za obrambo, katere namen je zagotavljanje standardizirane obrambno-vojaške terminologije. Proces, njegovi začetki segajo v leto 2018, se je oprl na dobre prakse Natove pisarne za standardizacijo in kanadskega ministrstva za obrambo. Obe organizaciji imata dobro vzpostavljen sistem upravljanja in standardizacije terminologije. Ker so proces vzpostavili jezikoslovci, smo z anketo poskušali ugotoviti, kakšno je splošno mnenje o terminologiji na ministrstvu in v vojski.
Keywords:upravljanje terminologije, standardizacija terminologije, infrastruktura upravljanja terminologije, področni strokovnjaki, terminološki produkti


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