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TitleInterpretation of civilian vs. military equipment in European case law – EU and Hungary
Osnovni podatki o gradivu
Authors:Minkó-Miskovics, Mariann (Author)
Szabó, Csaba (Author)
Language:EnglishWork type:UnknownTipology:1.03 - Short Scientific ArticleOrganization:MORS - MORS publicationsKeywords:dual-use equipment, legal framework, case law, legislation, Hungary, European UnionUDC:623.4:34(4-6EU:439)article ISSN:2463-9575COBISS_ID:124928003Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 2541 ogledov; 37 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf RAZ_Minkó-Miskovics_Mariann_i2022.pdf (495,26 KB)
Abstract:The regulation of products suitable for both civilian and defence purposes may seem to be a marginal area; however, it affects both inner and outer safety. We present a peculiar case of this regulation: even though the EU legal framework exists for implementation in national laws, the Hungarian authorities follow a different practice, often conflicting with the spirit of the applicable EU laws. As a result, the export and import of specific dual-use products under Hungarian law is more complicated than that intended by EU law, which restricts the ability of companies in this area to conduct their business operations. The aim of the article is to present the legal framework behind the regulations, and to demonstrate the difficulties the inconsistent interpretation of these by the applicable national authorities can cause to market participants.
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:SlovenianTitle:Primerjava razlag civilne in vojaške opreme v evropski in madžarski sodni praksiAbstract:Predpisovanje izdelkov, primernih za civilne in obrambne namene, se mogoče zdi obrobna tema, vendar vpliva tako na notranjo kot na zunanjo varnost. V članku predstavljamo poseben primer teh predpisov. Čeprav v Evropski uniji obstaja pravni okvir za uporabo v nacionalni zakonodaji, madžarski organi uporabljajo drugačno prakso, ki je pogosto v nasprotju z duhom veljavnih zakonov EU. Posledično sta izvoz in uvoz nekaterih izdelkov z dvojno rabo po madžarski zakonodaji bolj zapletena, kot je predvideno v zakonodaji EU, kar omejuje možnosti poslovanja podjetij na tem področju. Namen članka je predstaviti pravni okvir za temi predpisi in kakšne težave lahko povzroči udeležencem na trgu to, da jih pristojni nacionalni organi različno razlagajo.Keywords:oprema z dvojno rabo, pravni okvir, sodna praksa, Madžarska