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Title:Learning from experience : old lessons for a new battlefield
Authors:Pizarro, Ignacio (Author)
Work type:Unknown
Organization:MORS - MORS publications
Abstract:The implementation of the cyberspace domain and capabilities into multi-domain operations has been plagued with difficulties, many of which come from a misperception of the nature of this domain as a technical field, detached from the usual understanding of combat operations. This has made leaders wary of addressing this domain, which has caused a delay in the adaptation of our military thinking to this new environment. In the article, we seek to point out the shortcomings and possible reasons for this delayed approach, and highlight areas in which established military knowledge, existing doctrine and even ancient principles can be used to meet the challenge of bringing cyber capabilities to their full potential in military operations
Keywords:military operations, cyberspace, military, military doctrine
Year of publishing:2022
article ISSN:2463-9575
COBISS_ID:114396675 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Pizarro_Ignacio_i2022.pdf (391,55 KB)
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Secondary language

Title:Učenje na podlagi izkušenj
Abstract:Uvajanje kibernetske domene in zmogljivosti v večdomenske operacije so zaznamovale težave, od katerih so mnoge posledica napačnega razumevanja narave te domene kot tehničnega področja, ločeno od običajnega razumevanja bojnega delovanja. Voditelji so zato domeno previdno naslavljali, kar je povzročilo zamudo pri prilagajanju vojaškega razmišljanja novemu okolju. V prispevku poskušamo opozoriti na pomanjkljivosti in morebitne vzroke za zapozneli pristop ter izpostaviti področja, na katerih je uveljavljeno vojaško znanje, in veljavno doktrino. Za spoprijemanje z izzivom, kako kibernetske zmogljivosti kar najbolje uporabiti v vojaških operacijah, je mogoče uporabiti celo stara načela.
Keywords:kibernetski prostor, vojska


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