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TitleProtecting critical infrastructure and critical information infrastructure
Osnovni podatki o gradivu
Authors:Beckvard, Henrik (Author)Language:EnglishWork type:ArticleOrganization:MORS - MORS publicationsKeywords:resilience, critical infrastructure, NATO-EU cooperation, public-privatepartnerships, cyber security policyUDC:355.02:347.823.2 (1-622NATO:4-6EU)article ISSN:2463-9575COBISS_ID:114019843Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 3252 ogledov; 24 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf RAZ_Beckvard_Henrik_i2022.pdf (356,72 KB)
Abstract:Regardless of how you define critical infrastructure, and critical information infrastructure as part of it, these are elements necessary for the functioning, integrity and security of a digitised society. Mapping what is critical (information) infrastructure and assessing the risks and hazards to it is a first step towards protection, along with a risk decision to either mitigate, remediate or accept the risk. For the protection of critical (information) infrastructure it is necessary to coordinate efforts and collaboration between sectors, which are often interdependent. Public-PrivatePartnerships (PPP) and cooperation within organizations such as NATO and the EU are essential.
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:SlovenianTitle:Zaščita kritične in kritične informacijske infrastruktureAbstract:Ne glede na to, kako sta kritična infrastruktura in kritična informacijska infrastruktura kot njen del opredeljeni, sta obe nujni za delovanje, celovitost in varnost digitalizirane družbe. Opredeljevanje kritične informacijske infrastrukture in ocenjevanje tveganj ter nevarnosti, povezanih z njo, je prvi korak k zaščiti, skupaj z odločitvijo, da se tveganje zmanjša, odpravi ali sprejme. Za zaščito kritične informacijske infrastrukture je treba uskladiti prizadevanja in sodelovanje med resorji, ki so med seboj pogosto odvisni. Pri tem so pomembna javno-zasebna partnerstva in sodelovanje znotraj organizacij, kot sta Nato in EU.Keywords:odpornost, kritična infrastruktura, sodelovanje med EU in Natom, javno-zasebna partnerstva, politika kibernetske varnosti