Language: | English | Title: | Odnos med cilji, načini in sredstvi – študij primera vojaške strategije Republike Slovenije | Abstract: | In October 2021, the General Staff of the Slovenian Armed Forces issued the Draft Military Strategy of the Republic of Slovenia. The purpose of this article is to identify the relationship between the strategic ends, ways and means of this draft document with the Resolution on the National Security Strategy of the Republic of Slovenia and the Defence Strategy of the Republic of Slovenia. With regard to strategic ends, we found that all three strategies are clearly and transparently linked to each other. However, the Draft Military Strategy is not structured by ends, so it is not possible to establish a simple and transparent link between ways and ends. Ends would be more equally addressed, if the strategy was structured by ends. Additionally, it is not possible to see from the strategy which means, although ambitious, are already available, which are planned, and when they will be available. | Keywords: | ends-ways-means, military strategies, drafts, integration of strategies, Slovenian Armed Forces, Republic of Slovenia |