Title | The future of the Common Security and Defence Policy and small member states |
Osnovni podatki o gradivu | Authors: | Juvan, Jelena (Author) | Language: | English | Work type: | Unknown | Tipology: | 1.01 - Original Scientific Article | Organization: | MORS - MORS publications | UDC: | 061.1EU:355.02 | article ISSN: | 2463-9575 | COBISS_ID: | 77622275 | Statistika: | 3539 ogledov; 15 prenosov | Categories: | Document is not linked to any category. |
Files: | RAZ_Juvan_Jelena_i2021.pdf (215,33 KB)
Abstract: | Twenty-two years after the EC meeting in Cologne where the CSDP came to life, we still cannot talk about a fully functional and operational CSDP. This article reflects on PESCO, CARD, the CDP and the EDF, and on some of the main issues in the European defence landscape today, which continues to be fragmented and lacks coherence in several aspects. Member States are still investing more in non-EU frameworks such as NATO, and still retain a national focus in their defence planning, showing very little discipline in meeting the commitments that they have undertaken. The question arises of what a small state can achieve in the current European architecture, if anything. The role of the small state is reflected through the Presidency of the European Council. |
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