Title: | Robust integrated control system design methods for 21st century military applications [Elektronski vir] = : Méthodes de conception de systèmes de commande robustes intégrés pour applications militaires au 21 ème siècle |
Authors: | North Atlantic, Treaty Organization (Author) |
Language: | English |
Work type: | Not categorized |
Organization: | MORS - MORS publications |
Keywords: | Command and control systems, Congresses, kontrolni sistemi, vojska |
Year of publishing: | 2004 |
Publisher: | North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, Research & Technology Organisation |
Source: | Neuilly-sur-Seine Cedex, France] |
UDC: | 355 |
ontolib (digital library MORS 1): | 52 |
COBISS_ID: | 2267598 |
Note: | Nasl. s CD-ROM-a. ,"Assembled to support a lecture series under the sponsorship of the Concepts and Integration Panel (SCI) presented on 12-13 May 2003 in Forlì, Italy; 15-16 May 2003 in Setúbal, Portugal; and 29-30 May 2003 in Los Angeles, USA."--> na disketi. ,"AC/323(SCI-142)TP/70."--> na disketi.; 1 optični disk (CD-ROM) : barve ; 12 cm. |
Views: | 8378 |
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Files: | EN-SCI-142-03.pdf (7,58 MB) EN-SCI-142-01.pdf (3,18 MB) EN-SCI-142-02.pdf (826,34 KB) ReportPageRTO-EN-SCI-142.pdf (49,63 KB)
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