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TitleVpliv vremena na delovanje vojaških letalskih enot : zaključna naloga štabnega šolanja
Osnovni podatki o gradivu
Authors:Laznik, Jošt (Author)
Ribič, Anton (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Language:SlovenianWork type:Specialist thesisTipology:2.10 - Specialist ThesisOrganization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff SchoolKeywords:vreme, meteorološka služba, meteorološka priprava, vpliv vremena, NATO meteorološki simboli, letalstvo, omejitve, vesoljsko vreme, pripomoček, načrtovanjeUDC:551.515:358.4(043.4)COBISS_ID:74193923Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 3875 ogledov; 19 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf SPEC_Laznik_Jost_i2021.pdf (1,73 MB)
Abstract:V zaključni nalogi obravnavamo bistvene vplive elementov vremena in vremenskih pojavov na delovanje letalskih enot SV. V prvem delu so predstavljeni meteorološki simboli, ki se uporabljajo po NATO standardih pri podajanju trenutnih stanj vremena in napovedih. V drugem delu je opisano delovanje meteorološke službe za potrebe letalstva v Slovenski vojski in predstavljeno kako poteka tipična meteorološka priprava na izvedbo letalske naloge. V tretjem delu so predstavljeni vplivi vremenskih elementov, vplivi tipičnih vremenskih pojavov v Sloveniji, vplivi vremena v vesolju in kratek vremenski pripomoček za planiranje letalskih enot, ki je namenjen za uporabo drugih rodov pri načrtovanju delovanj oziroma vojaških procesih odločanja.
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:EnglishAbstract:In the final thesis, we discuss the significant effects of weather elements and weather phenomena on the operation of SAF air units. The first part presents the meteorological symbols used according to NATO standards in presenting current weather conditions and forecasts. The second part describes the operation of the meteorological service for the needs of aviation in the Slovenian Army and presents how the typical meteorological preparation for the implementation of the aviation task takes place. The third part presents the effects of weather elements, the effects of typical weather phenomena in Slovenia, the effects of weather in space and a short weather tool for planning air units, which is intended for the use in planning operations or military decision-making processes.Keywords:weather, meteorological service, meteorological preparation, weather influence, NATO meteorological symbols, aviation, restrictions, space weather, planning tool, planning