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TitleUporaba enote za odstranjevanje neeksplodiranih ubojnih sredstev v podporo delovanja srednje pehotne čete : zaključna naloga štabnega šolanja
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Authors:Cesar, Drago (Author)
Balažic, Miran (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Stankovič, Boris (Co-mentor)
Language:SlovenianWork type:Specialist thesisTipology:2.10 - Specialist ThesisOrganization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff SchoolKeywords:VUNUS, EOD, podpora delovanja, Stanag 2221, SrBBSkUDC:623.365:356.1(043.4)COBISS_ID:74065923Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 5046 ogledov; 93 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf SPEC_Cesar_Drago_i2021.pdf (1,04 MB)
Abstract:Specializirane enote pirotehnikov, predvsem pirotehnikov za bojno podporo so novo pridobljena zmogljivost Slovenske vojske. Vod za uničevanje neeksplodiranih sredstev (VUNUS) (ang. EOD Platoon; explosive ordnance disposal platoon) je namenjen za bojno podporo kot modularno pridodana enota. V podporo bataljonski bojni skupini in s tem posledično srednjim pehotnim četam lahko vod ponudi do šest oddelkov. EOD vod je namenjen kot modul za podporo delovanja radiološko kemično biološkim enotam (RKB enote), inženirijskim enotam ter po potrebi tudi ostalim rodovom vojske. Vključenost VUNUS je smiselna v rangu bataljona in višje, kjer se nahaja častnik za povezavo. Vod lahko podpira enote nižjega ranga (četa,vod) vendar se zahteva podrejenost enote direktno bataljonu ali enoti višjega ranga. VUNUS lahko za potrebe bojne podpore izvaja naloge izvidovanja neeksplodiranih ubojnih sredstev (ang. EOR; EOD reconnaissance), uničevanje neeksplodiranih ubojnih sredstev (ang. EOD; explosive ordnance disposal) ter uničevanje neeksplodiranih ubojnih sredstev v RKB okolju (ang. NBC EOD; nuclear biological chemical explosive ordnance disposal). Pri sodelovanju z enotami Slovenske vojske) ter pri sodelovanju znotraj zavezništva je smiselno, da se za potrebe poveljevanja ter poročanja uporabljajo standardni operativni postopki VUNUS (SOP VUNUS) na podlagi Stanag 2221. (ang. Standardization Agreement/NATO- North Atlantic Treaty Organisation agreement). Še posebej to velja za delovanje EOD enote v Srednji bataljonski bojni skupini (SrBBSk).
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:EnglishAbstract:Specialized units of pyrotechnicians, especially pyrotechnicians in combat support, are the newly acquired capacity of the Slovenian Armed Forces. The Explosive Ordnance Disposal Platoon (EOD) is intended for combat support as a modularly added unit. In support of the battalion battle group and consequently the middle infantry coy, the platoon can offer up to six squads. The EOD platoon is intended as a module to support the operation of chemical, biological, radiological units (CBRN units), engineering units and, if necessary, the other branches of the army. Inclusion of the EOD is reasonable in the rank of battalion or higher, where the liaison officer is located. A platoon may support units of a lower rank (company, platoon) but the subordination of the unit directly to a battalion or a unit of a higher rank is required. For the purpose of combat support, EOD can perform the tasks of reconnaissance of unexploded ordnance (EOR; EOD reconnaissance), destruction of unexploded ordnance (EOD; explosive ordnance disposal) and destruction of unexploded ordnance in the CBRN environment (NBC EOD; nuclear biological chemical explosive ordnance disposal). When cooperating with units of the Slovenian Armed Forces and when cooperating within the Alliance, it makes sense to use EOD standard operating procedures (EOD SOP) based on Stanag 2221 (NATO Standardization Agreement / NATO-North Atlantic Treaty Organization agreement) for the purposes of command and reporting. This is important for EOD units working with Medium Infantry Battalion Group; INF-M-BNG (slo. SrBBSK).Keywords:EOD, Stanag 2221, CBRN EOD, battle support, INF-M-BNG