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TitleUporaba neporušnih preiskav za preglede strukture letal v 153. letalsko tehnični eskadrilji : zaključna naloga štabnega šolanja
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Authors:Franko, Matic (Author)
Križaj, Sebastjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Stankovič, Boris (Co-mentor)
Language:SlovenianWork type:Specialist thesisTipology:2.10 - Specialist ThesisOrganization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff SchoolKeywords:neporušne preiskave, pregled, diskontinuiteta, indikacija, vzdrževanje letalUDC:358.4:620.179.1(497.4)(043.4)COBISS_ID:74004739Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 2942 ogledov; 27 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf SPEC_Franko_Matic_i2021.pdf (1,18 MB)
Abstract:Za izvajanje neporušnih preiskav potrebuje organizacija za vzdrževanje letal ustrezno usposobljen kader, primerno opremo in upoštevati vso veljavno zakonodajo in standarde, ki so vezani na področje neporušnih preiskav in na področje vzdrževanja letal. Naloga vključuje opis, namen in metode neporušnih preiskav, pregled veljavne zakonodaje in standardov ter pregled urejenosti področja v 153. letalsko tehnični eskadrilji.
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:EnglishAbstract:Performance of nondestructive testing by an aircraft maintenance organization requires appropriately qualified staff, suitable equipment and compliance with all relevant legislation and standards, related to the field of nondestructive testing and aircraft maintenance. This paper includes an overview of nondestructive testing, its purpose and methods, relevant legislation and standards and an overview of this field in 153rd Aircraft Maintenance Squadron.Keywords:nondestructive testing, inspection, discontinuity, indication, airplane maintenance