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Title:Vloga, izgradnja in namen poveljniških oz. voditeljskih timov v enotah Slovenske vojske : zaključna naloga štabnega šolanja
Authors:Krajnc, Jani (Author)
Jazbec, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Specialist thesis
Tipology:2.10 - Specialist Thesis
Organization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff School
Abstract:Poveljniški oziroma voditeljski timi imajo velik vpliv na razvoj uspešnih vojaških timov in njihovo učinkovito delovanje. Literature, ki obravnava teoretična načela vojaških timov v Slovenski vojski je dovolj, manj pa je znanega koliko je ta teorija uporabna tudi v praksi. Ta neznanka je bila vodilo, da raziščemo to področje. Vsebina zaključne naloge v prvem delu obravnava najpomembnejša teoretična načela, ki so opredeljena v različni literaturi in služijo kot osnova za začetek razvoja poveljniškega tima. Pomembna naloga vsakega poveljnika je razvijanje svojih podrejenih poveljnikov in jih znati povezati v delujoč poveljniški tim, ki bo ustvaril uspešen vojaški tim. Primarno morajo poveljniki sami razviti dovolj kompetenc, karakteristik in znanja, da bodo sposobni razvijanja in vodenja svojih enot. V drugem delu zaključne naloge smo izvedli analizo anketnega vprašalnika s katerim smo ugotavljali ali anketiranci poznajo teoretična vodila in kako jih dejansko uporabljajo v enotah Slovenske vojske. Prišli smo do ugotovitev, da poveljniki razumejo pomen razvijanja podrejenih poveljnikov in njihovo integracijo v svoje poveljniške time. Teoretična vodila poznajo v dovolj veliki meri, da jih znajo uporabljati tudi v praksi. Pomemben vpliv na to ima pomen vojaškega šolstva in predmet vojaškega voditeljstva.
Keywords:poveljniški tim, voditeljski tim, razvoj tima, vojaški tim, vodenje, vodja, poveljnik
Year of publishing:2021
Publisher:[J. Krajnc]
COBISS_ID:73854211 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Krajnc_Jani_i2021.pdf (1,21 MB)
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Secondary language

Abstract:Command or leadership teams have a great influence on the development of successful military teams and their efficient operation. There is enough literature on the theoretical principles of military teams in the Slovenian Army, but there is little known how useful this theory is in practice. This lack of knowledge was the guide to explore this area. The content of the research paper in the first part deals with the most important theoretical principles, which are defined in various literature and serve as a basis for starting the development of the command team. The important task of every commander is to develop their subordinate commanders and be able to connect them into a functioning command team that will create a successful military team. Primarily, commanders themselves must develop sufficient competencies, characteristics and knowledge to be able to develop and lead their units. In the second part of the research paper, we performed an analysis of the survey questionnaire with which we determined whether the respondents know the theoretical guidelines and how they actually use them in the units of the Slovenian Armed Forces. We came to the conclusion that commanders understand the importance of developing subordinate commanders and integrating them into their command teams. They know theoretical guidelines well enough to be able to use them in practice. The importance of military education system in the subject of military leadership has a significant role on this.
Keywords:command team, leadership team, team development, military team, leadership, leader, commander


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