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TitleUporaba natančnih in pametnih orožij na letalu Pilatus PC-9M v podpori kopenskim silam : zaključna naloga štabnega šolanja
Osnovni podatki o gradivu
Authors:Potrpin, Jure (Author)
Virant, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Stankovič, Boris (Co-mentor)
Language:SlovenianWork type:Specialist thesisTipology:2.10 - Specialist ThesisOrganization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff SchoolKeywords:pametne bombe, pametna orožja, natančna-vodena orožja, vodene rakete, vodeni izstrelki, lahka bojna letala, Pilatus PC-9M Hudournik, nadgradnja, zračna podpora, bližnja zračna podporaUDC:358.4:356(497.4)(043.4)COBISS_ID:73848579Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 3365 ogledov; 40 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf SPEC_Potrpin_Jure_i2021.pdf (1,29 MB)
Abstract:V zaključni nalogi obravnavamo uporabo natančnih in pametnih orožij na letalu Pilatus PC-9M Hudournik v podpori kopenskih silam. V prvem delu predstavimo osnovne pojme s katerimi se srečamo pri obravnavi uporabe natančnih orožij pri izvajanju zračne podpore. Sledi pregled uporabe pametnih orožij skozi zgodovino zračnih operacij zračnih sil ZDA, NATA in Ruske federacije. V osrednjem delu sledi podrobnejši opis natančnih in pametnih bomb, raket in izstrelkov zrak-zemlja, ki bi lahko bila primerna za uporabo na letalu PC-9M Hudournik po srednji-življenjski nadgradnji. V ta namen primerjamo turbopropelerska lahka bojna letala AT-6, A-29 in Hurkus-C s PC-9M Slovenske vojske. V nadaljevanju podrobneje opišemo moderne letalske sisteme in opremo, ki bi bila primerna za vgradnjo v PC-9M z srednje-življenjsko nadgradnjo, kot so npr. barvni multifunkcijski zasloni, elektrooptična infrardeča laserska namerilna naprava, itd. V zadnjem delu na kratko predstavimo tveganja, ki so lahko prisotna pri izvajanju zračne podpore kopenskim silam ter načine kako jih lahko zmanjšamo. Dotaknili smo se tudi primernosti uporabe natančnih orožij v primerjavi z nevodljivimi tre urjenja in usposabljanja posadk lahkega bojnega letala PC-9M Hudournik.
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:EnglishAbstract:In this final thesis, we discuss the use of precision and smart weapons on the Pilatus PC-9M Hudournik aircraft in support of ground forces. In the first part, we present the basic concepts that we encounter when dealing with the use of precision-guided weapons in the implementation of air support. The following is an overview of the use of smart weapons throughout the history of air operations by the U.S., NATO, and Russian air forces. The central part is followed by a more detailed description of precision-guided bombs, guided rockets and air-to-ground missiles that could be suitable for use on the PC-9M Hudournik after a mid-life upgrade. For this purpose, we compare the turboprop light attack aircraft AT-6, A-29 and Hurkus-C with the PC-9M of the Slovenian Armed Forces. In the following, we describe in more detail modern aircraft systems and equipment that would be suitable for installation in a PC-9M with a mid-life upgrade, such as e.g. colour multifunction displays, electro-optical infrared laser target designators, etc. In the last part, we briefly present the risks that may be present when conducting air support to ground forces and ways to mitigate them. We also touched on the subject of appropriateness of the use of precision-guided weapons compared to the unguided. We also briefly describe the training of the crews of the PC-9M Hudournik light fighter aircraft.Keywords:smart bombs, smart weapons, precision-guided weapons, guided rockets, guided missiles, light attack aircraft, Pilatus PC-9M Hudournik, upgrade, air support, close air support