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TitleEvolucija pojma strategije in njegovo povezovanje s politiko
Osnovni podatki o gradivu
Authors:Vuk, Pavel (Author)Language:SlovenianWork type:ArticleTipology:1.02 - Review ArticleOrganization:MORS - MORS publicationsKeywords:strategija, taktika, politikaUDC:355.43:355.02article ISSN:2463-9575COBISS_ID:67851011Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 3606 ogledov; 22 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf RAZ_Vuk_Pavel_i2021.pdf (283,42 KB)
Abstract:V prispevku na podlagi zgodovinskega in kritičnega pristopa različnih pomembnejših teoretikov k razvoju strategije pojasnjujemo evolucijo pojma strategije, zlasti pa, zakaj in kako je njegov pomen povezan s človekovo naravo in tudi političnim vedenjem. Spoznanja raziskave kažejo dvoje, in sicer, da se je v zgodnjem zgodovinskem obdobju strategija snovala predvsem zaradi človekovih potreb po varnosti, v sodobni strateški misli, ko je ta potreba prerasla v širše politično vprašanje družbe, pa se je razumevanje strategije vse bolj povezovalo s politiko in njenim vplivom na proces oblikovanja in uresničevanja strategije.
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:EnglishTitle:Evolution of the concept of strategy and its relating with the politicsAbstract:Based on the historical and critical approaches of various important theorists to the development of strategy, this paper aims to explain the evolution of the concept of strategy, especially why and how its meaning is related to the human nature and the political behaviour. The research has shown two things. First, that in the early historical period the strategy was designed mainly due to the human need for security, and, second, that in the modern strategic thought when these needs grew into a broader political issue of the society, the understanding of strategy was increasingly being related to the politics and its impact on the devising and implementation of a strategyKeywords:strategy, tactics, politics