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Title:Razvoj vojaškega izobraževanja v Slovenski vojski s poudarkom na usklajenosti s civilnim izobraževalnim sistemom : zaključna naloga
Authors:Ozebek, David (Author)
Ščavničar, Darko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Work type:Specialist thesis
Tipology:2.10 - Specialist Thesis
Organization:PŠŠ - Command and Staff School
Abstract:Vključitev Slovenije v evropske in severno atlantske integracijske procese pred nas postavlja nove zahteve in naloge, katerim se je potrebno prilagoditi. Temu sledi tudi šolski sistem, ki je z uvedbo Bolonjskega procesa naredil velik korak naprej v smislu poenotenja strukturno in klasifikacijsko pestrih evropskih visokošolskih sistemov. Slovenska vojska ima razvit lasten sistem vojaškega izobraževanja in usposabljanja, povezanega s civilnim izobraževalnim sistemom, ki mora prav tako slediti spremembam. V nalogi želimo nakazati pot, da mora tudi vojaški poklic v Sloveniji postati družbeno priznana profesija. Sistem vojaškega izobraževanja mora podpirati SV, posamezniku pa dati javno priznano izobrazbo. To sicer lahko izvedemo na več načinov, zavedati pa se moramo dejstva, da je vsaka institucija brez lastnega razvoja obsojena na propad. Naloga zajema pregled in primerjavo vojaškega in civilnega izobraževalnega sistema, ter podaja eno izmed možnosti razvoja vojaškega šolstva.
Keywords:Slovenska vojska, vojaško izobraževanje in usposabljanje, bolonjska deklaracija, civilni izobraževalni sistem, vojaški izobraževalni sistem
Year of publishing:2012
Publisher:[D. Ozebek]
COBISS_ID:5949902 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf SPEC_Ozebek_David_i2012.pdf (635,60 KB)
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Secondary language

Title:Development of military education of the Slovenian Armed Forces in correlation with the national education system
Abstract:Slovenia's membership in the Euro-Atlantic integration processes opened up new challenges and tasks which need to be addressed. The National education system partly addressed these challenges with the implementation of the Bologna Declaration in the terms of unifying structurally and classificatory diverse European higher education systems. The Slovenian Armed Forces have developed its own military education and training system, which also needs to follow the above mentioned challenges. The thesis argues that the military profession in Slovenia needs to become a socially recognized profession. The system of military education must support the Slovenian Armed Forces, and at the same time allow the individual to be recognized a public degree of education. This can be achieved in different ways, having in mind that each institution without internal development cannot prosper. The thesis includes an overview and comparison of military and public education systems and presents one of the development possibilities for military education.
Keywords:Slovenian Armed Forces, military education and training, Bologna declaration, military education systems, public education systems


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