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TitleMetodološki model za ugotavljanje nacionalne kritične infrastrukture
Osnovni podatki o gradivu
Authors:Lubi, Darko (Author)Language:SlovenianWork type:UnknownTipology:1.02 - Review ArticleOrganization:MORS - MORS publicationsKeywords:kritična infrastruktura, kritična infrastrukturna zmogljivost, ugotavljanje kritične infrastrukture, kriteriji za oceno kritičnosti infrastrukture, zaščita kritične infrastruktureUDC:338.49:005.922.1article ISSN:2463-9575COBISS_ID:34569987Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 4626 ogledov; 34 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf RAZ_Lubi_Darko_i2020.pdf (393,79 KB)
Abstract:V prispevku je predstavljen možen metodološki model za ugotavljanje nacionalne kritične infrastrukture. Izpostavljena je četrta faza petfaznega procesa takšnega ugotavljanja, v kateri se prepoznavajo konkretne kritične infrastrukturne zmogljivosti (npr. objekti, naprave in sistemi). Ponujen strukturiran pristop k ugotavljanju nacionalne kritične infrastrukture je poglobljen in zaokrožen s predstavitvijo trikoračne in na evropskem zgledu temelječe metode za izbiro kritičnih infrastrukturnih zmogljivosti s pomočjo sektorskih in medsektorskih kriterijev za oceno njihove kritičnosti.
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:EnglishTitle:Metodological model for national critical infrastructure identificationAbstract:The article presents a potential methodological model for national critical infrastructure identification. Particular emphasis is placed on the fourth phase of a five-phase national critical infrastructure identification process, in which actual infrastructure assets (e. g. facilities, devices, systems) are being identified. The structured approach to national critical infrastructure identification is deepened and rounded by presenting a three-step, European model-based method for selecting national critical infrastructure assets through sectoral and cross-cutting criteria for the assessment of their criticality.Keywords:critical infrastructure, critical infrastructure assets, critical infrastructure identification, criteria for the assessment of criticality, critical infrastructure protection