Language: | English | Title: | Mine threat in Kosovo between 1999 and 2001 | Abstract: | In Kosovo, landmines were laid by both parties involved. The humanitarian demining program started immediately after the end of the military activities and was successfully completed in December 2001. Data on the landmines were collected from the beginning of the hostilities. According to various information, the initial mine risk assessments were exaggerated. On the Yugoslav side, landmines were used by the military, units of the Ministry of the Interior and paramilitary units. The Yugoslav Army was laying mines in line with the tactics of the Yugoslav People%s Army. The opposing Kosovo-Albanian side, however, was mainly laying small groups of landmines. According to the military technical agreement, the Yugoslav Army handed over 624 minefield records to KFOR units. In Kosovo, landmines were also being laid after the end of the conflict. | Keywords: | anti-tank landmines, anti-personnel landmines, humanitarian demining, Kosovo |