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Title:Readiness of European countries for the return of foreign fighters of Islamic state
Authors:Čaleta, Denis (Author)
Perković, Sara (Author)
Work type:Unknown
Tipology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:MORS - MORS publications
Abstract:This analysis will consider whether foreign fighters pose a real danger to European security, knowing that the potential threat is always possible. Up to now, assessing the threat of returning foreign fighters has been very difficult. In this article we have attempted to analyze the attacks that have been carried out by returning foreign fighters in Belgium and France. Our research compared the politics of individual countries with the common foreign and security policy of the EU. We have investigated how these countries are dealing with the return of foreign fighters and what measures have been taken in this regard. In addition, we have tried to evaluate whether they are more focused on the prosecution of returning foreign fighters or whether their focus is connected with deradicalization and reintegration programmes.
Keywords:foreign fighters, terrorism, Islamic state, EU, legislation
Year of publishing:2020
article ISSN:2463-9575
COBISS_ID:31427843 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Caleta_Denis_i2020.pdf (739,26 KB)
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Title:Pripravljenost evropskih držav na vrnitev tujih borcev Islamske države
Abstract:V analizi smo želeli prikazati, ali so tuji borci resnično nevarni za evropsko varnost, saj vemo, da je morebitna grožnja vedno mogoča. Do zdaj je bilo zelo težko oceniti grožnjo vrnitve tujih borcev. V raziskavo smo vključili dve državi, v katerih so napade izvedli tuji borci, ki so se vrnili v državo. Vključeni državi sta bili Belgija in Francija. V raziskavi smo primerjali politiko posameznih držav s skupno zunanjo in varnostno politiko EU. Ugotavljali smo, kako se ti državi spoprijemata z vrnitvijo tujih borcev in kateri ukrepi so bili glede tega sprejeti. Poleg tega smo poskušali oceniti, ali sta bolj osredotočeni na pregon tujih borcev, ki se vračajo, ali je poudarek na programih deradikalizacije in reintegracije.
Keywords:tuji borci, terorizem, Islamska država, EU, zakonodaja


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