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TitleThe changed character of war and the transformation of infantry squad, platoon and company
Osnovni podatki o gradivu
Authors:Potočnik, Viktor (Author)Language:EnglishWork type:UnknownTipology:1.01 - Original Scientific ArticleOrganization:MORS - MORS publicationsKeywords:Infantry squad, infantry platoon, infantry company, character of war, transformation theoryUDC:356.1:355.314/.315article ISSN:2463-9575COBISS_ID:31383555Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 4037 ogledov; 28 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf RAZ_Potocnik_Viktor_i2020.pdf (825,01 KB)
Abstract:This article offers a model for transforming the infantry squad, platoon and company. It begins by establishing the elements of the changed character of war in the 21st century, the assumption being that the basis for the current infantry squad, platoon and company, in NATO armies, lies in the character of war as it was during the two World Wars. Since the character of war has changed, it should be logical that this is also the case with infantry squad, platoon and company in terms of their doctrine, organization, culture, training, technology, and so on. However, as the article shows, using a US case study, this is not quite the case, so the article uses transformation theory to offer a model of thinking about the necessary changes.
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:SlovenianTitle:Sprememba v karakterju bojevanja in transformacije pehotnega oddelka voda in četeAbstract:V članku je predstavljen model transformacije pehotnega oddelka, voda in čete. Članek se začne z ugotovitvijo, da se je karakter vojne v 21. stoletju spremenil, in ugotavlja tudi, v katerih elementih. Pri tem izhaja iz predpostavke, da so trenutni pehotni oddelek, vod in četa v večini vojsk Nata utemeljeni na karakterju bojevanja iz obdobja obeh svetovnih vojn. Ker se je spremenil karakter bojevanja, bi bilo logično, da so se spremenili tudi pehotni oddelek, vod in četa v smislu doktrine, organizacije, kulture, usposabljanja, tehnologije itn. Toda, kot ugotavljam v članku na podlagi študije primera kopenske vojske ZDA, večinoma ni tako. Zato je v članku na podlagi transformacijske teorije predstavljen model razmišljanja o nujnih spremembah.Keywords:pehotni oddelek, pehotni vod, pehotna četa, karakter vojne, transformacijska teorija