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Title:Structure of the support system for military families in the United Kingdom, Germany and Slovenia
Authors:Jakopič, Matej (Author)
Work type:Article
Organization:MORS - MORS publications
Abstract:The article aims to bring forth the anthropological and sociological characteristics affecting the military personnel and military families. It presents the structure of the support system for military families in the United Kingdom, Germany and Slovenia. For the latter, legal bases are presented regulating the support for military families, and the activities of the Comprehensive Care Section and the Military Chaplaincy, which are the only two bodies in the Slovenian Armed Forces to engage in the support of military families. The aim of the article is to contribute a piece of the answer to the big question: how to find the correct and appropriate path to help the families of Slovenian soldiers.
Keywords:family, military family, Slovenian Armed Forces, comprehensive care, military chaplaincy
Year of publishing:2020
article ISSN:2463-9575
COBISS_ID:19971075 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Jakopic_Matej_i2020.pdf (369,05 KB)
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Secondary language

Title:Urejenost podpore vojaškim družinam v Združenem kraljestvu, Nemčiji in Sloveniji
Abstract:V prispevku obravnavamo antropološke in sociološke lastnosti vojakov ter vojaških družin. Predstavljamo urejenost podpore vojaškim družinam v Združenem kraljestvu, Nemčiji in Sloveniji. Natančneje preučujemo pravne podlage v Sloveniji, ki so temelj urejenosti podpore tem družinam, ter dejavnosti oddelka Celostne skrbi pripadnikov Slovenske vojske in Vojaškega vikariata, ki se v Slovenski vojski edina ukvarjata z njihovo podporo. V sklepnem delu opozarjamo na razhajanje med sistemsko organiziranostjo in individualnim pristopom v skrbi za te družine. S člankom se želimo približati odgovoru na vprašanje, kateri način podpore in skrbi za družine slovenskih vojakov je najustreznejši.
Keywords:družina, vojaška družina, Slovenska vojska, celostna skrb za pripadnike, Vojaški vikariat


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