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TitleMilitary family readiness : the importance of building familial resilience and increasing family well-being trhrough military community support and services
Osnovni podatki o gradivu
Authors:Hess, Donabelle C. (Author)Language:EnglishWork type:ArticleOrganization:MORS - MORS publicationsKeywords:resilience, well-being, military family, community support, family support center, support services and programsUDC:316.356.2:355.01article ISSN:2463-9575COBISS_ID:19958787Link is opened in a new windowStatistika: 4951 ogledov; 3 prenosovCategories:Document is not linked to any category.
Files:.pdf RAZ_Hess_Donabelle_C._i2020.pdf (308,75 KB)
Abstract:NATO encompasses a diverse multinational environment and wide-ranging social support systems as most families do not have the normal infrastructure support they are used to. Assignment to a NATO base presents a challenge as families navigate military life, a diverse culture and language of the host nation. Military community support and services may be particularly beneficial for military families due to the increased need of such support during deployments, separations, and relocations. The goal of this article is to review the existing literature and highlight the importance of community support, services, and state programs that foster family resilience while stationed overseas; and how these protective measures may be applied to all the families of the armed forces.
Citiranje gradiva
Secondary language
Language:SlovenianTitle:Pripravljenost vojaških družinAbstract:Zveza Nato zajema različno večnacionalno okolje in najrazličnejše sisteme socialne podpore, saj večina družin nima na voljo infrastrukturne podpore, ki so je vajene. Družinam ob napotitvi v Natovo bazo prilagajanje na vojaško življenje, raznovrstnost kultur in jezik države gostiteljice zato pomeni izziv. Podpora in storitve vojaške skupnosti so lahko za vojaške družine še posebno koristne, saj je med napotitvami, ločenim življenjem in selitvami potreba po taki podpori večja. Namen prispevka je pripraviti pregled literature in poudariti pomen podpore skupnosti, storitev ter državnih programov, ki spodbujajo odpornost družine med življenjem v tujini, in kako se lahko ti zaščitni ukrepi uporabljajo za vse družine oboroženih sil.Keywords:odpornost, dobrobit, vojaška družina, podpora skupnosti, centri za podporo družinam, podporni programi in storitve